Saturday, April 08, 2017

A letter to a professional victim professor

This is another follow-up to these blog posts

AS well as the following videos

Those blog posts are in regards to the professors in UH-Manoa's Library & Information Science (LIS) program as well as Hawaii State Library internship supervisor.

But I want to do more than just write blog posts and film videos about those people.  I want to now write  directly to those people. Because at this point, everything I said about them is out there, I just need to make sure they know that 1) the information about them is already out there,  2) it's too late to try cover up anything, 3) I'm now saying to them and not backing down!

This is what I wrote to Noriko Asato (aka professional victim professor) a few weeks ago.

Aloha Dr Noriko Asato, 

You might remember those posters taped to the LIS windows?  I know who put them up there!

2 years ago, you told me in your office that I can vent to you! Whenever you say that, you should always expect that person to express their rawest emotions and thoughts to you! You have to accept that if you want to people to be honest with you! You lose credibility in calling yourself "afraid" when you tell someone you can "vent to me", especially when not a single word spoken or written can be classified as a threat! A disagreement is not a threat!

When you told me Tisha told people that I "shouldn't be working with children", that was extremely hurtful! You then had the nerve to tell me I shouldn't be upset about it! You really think that would automatically make me feel better! That only made me feel more angry! I still get filled with extreme rage everytime I remember you telling me I shouldn't be angry about Tisha saying I "shouldn't be working with children". This was very painful because I spent a decade working with children! How would it feel when your years of hard work is disrespected? How would it feel when right after that, you get told that you shouldn't be upset about it?

When I worked in retail, I was instructed in orientation to never tell an upset person to not feel upset! In LIS 601 & LIS 683, students were instructed to never tell upset person to not feel upset. When I was trained to be substitute teacher, I was instructed to never tell an upset student to not feel upset. Those supervisors all know that telling upset to not be upset will only make those people more upset!

By telling me that I shouldn't be upset when told Tisha "I shouldn't be working with children", you are essentially saying that you think that what I was taught in LIS 610 and LIS 683  was wrong!

By telling me that I shouldn't be upset when told Tisha "I shouldn't be working with children", you are essentially saying that you think that what I was taught in orientation in retail work was wrong!

By telling me that I shouldn't be upset when told Tisha "I shouldn't be working with children", you are essentially saying that you think that what I was taught in substitute teacher training was wrong!

If what those instructors were saying is wrong, you need to back up your words with logic and reasons, not cliches and false claims of being "afraid".


Also, you magnified the problem when you asked me to sign a statement to withdraw my complaints with HSPLS! Did you really think that would end the problem? Really?    Only a severe dumbass wouldn't know that magnify the problems. It is that statement that inspired me to write critical blog posts and videos about you! 

By asking me to sign a statement to withdraw my complaints with HSPLS, you are telling that you are the type of person that would tell a rape victim to be silent about his/her experiences.

By asking me to sign a statement to withdraw my complaints with HSPLS, you are telling that you are the type of person that would tell MLK, Susan Anthony and other civil rights leader to shut up and accept discrimination.

By asking me to sign a statement to withdraw my complaints with HSPLS, you are telling that you are the type of person that would tell AJA victims of internment to accept what happened to them. (PS: I know you did research on that issue, so asking me to sign the statement of silence is even more disgusting coming from you)

EVERY SINGLE TIME I read an article, or watch a documentary when it was mentioned that a victim of rape, bullying or discrimination is asked to remain silent about  what happened, my memory flashes back to you asking me to sign a statement to withdraw complaint, my memory flashes back to you telling me not to be angry about Tisha saying I "shouldn't be working with children"! When I have those flashbacks, I get very angry again! If you really thought I was going to stop being angry when you tell me to, then you need to watch this following video that I didn't make, but can help you understand the severe psychological harm of your words

After you asked me to sign a statement to withdraw complaints, I told you that the only reason I haven't posted a blog post about the way Tisha was treating me because I wanted to meeting with her supervisor. Because I mentioned the blog post, you said "I feel threatened" when nothing I said could be classified as a threat. You then said "that's just how I feel"

Excuse me? "That's just how I feel"? 

You want me to respect how you feel?

But you didn't respect how I feel about Tisha making character assassinations against me!

But you want to respect how you feel? IT doesn't work that way! 

You tell me "it's not good to have anger".  Noriko Asato, you need to be told "it's not good to have fear".  Does that hurt your feelings? Then how do you think I feel when I'm told "it's not good to have anger? 

If you tell me "it's not good to have anger", then you have ZERO credibility to tell anyone that you feel upset about my emails to you!  Practice what you preach, or change what you preach! You can't do both!


When I mentioned all this to the university psychologist, he was horrified by your words,  He read all the emails I sent to you! He was still horrified by the way you treated me.

 The psychologist  was horrified when you tell me "it's not good to have anger" and  to "withdraw complaints".

So, how are you more correct than a trained psychologist?

In my previous emails, I compared Western cultures and Asian cultures. My #1 regret in those emails is that I forgot to mention Hawaiian culture, the host culture of where we are!

In Hawaiian culture, there is ho'oponopono, This when different sides come together to discuss the problems and we come to a resolution. This was exactly what I was asking for when I requested to meet with HSL branch manager. That you refused to go along with the idea is a severe disrespect to the Native Hawaiian culture and the spirit of ho'oponopono!  

You need to understand that when there is a ho'oponopono session, there will be some anger expressed, You have to experience the discomfort, you cannot be afraid of a disagreement. You cannot be afraid of anger! You have to listen without interruptions (something you couldn't do when we met). You have to listen with empathy(something you couldn't do when we met).  You are supposed to be a coordinator, you cannot be afraid of a disagreement, you have to embrace ho'oponopono sessions where some anger and disagreement is expressed. You can't solve problems without it! You are ineffective in solving problems, you only want to sweep problems under the rug! The problem is that is that it would be exposed in online forums where people will read about your psychologically dangerous way. One of your former students thanked me for making a video publicly criticizing you and she felt guilty for being silent about the way you treated her!  In this era, people don't remain silent about being pressured into silence. Those days are over and will never appear again!

Please understand that when the ALA accreditation team met with the LIS students, they didn't ask a single question about the internship program. I was mentally prepared to loudly denounce your practices in front of everyone.


So yeah, people might view those posters as "passive-agressive" and "childish". But you know what, I can hold it in for only so long!  I will never remain silent. I will never again wait to express to you how much pain you put me through! 

The best thing you can do is to apologize using your organization's letterhead. Apologize for the way you treated me! Apologize for not using the ho'oponopono practices that could've solved my dispute with HSL! Apologize for telling me "not to be upset"!  When you do, I will let the world know that you are finally willing to admit that could've handled things better. 

Just know that this email can go public whenever I feel like making it public. Also, please understand that any responses, positive or negative, will be made public.


Pablo Wegesend

That was several weeks ago. No response, no apology!

She has been warned that this email was going to go public whenever I feel like it! 

She's now known as a scumbag who refuse to apologize when it's all explained to her! 

Sunday, April 02, 2017

changed minds on voter IDs

If you're a blogger like me with a decade of experience blogging, some of your ideas will evolve. You have new experiences, receive new information, and have new opinions.

For me, one of them is the voter requirement to have a picture ID.

When I started voting in 1998, I just assumed you need a picture ID to vote in Hawaii.

So I was like "why are people opposed to the ID requirements to vote?"

I mean, you need an ID to work, enter age-restricted places (ie nightclubs), enter government buildings and more.

But when I started working as an election precinct official in 2006, I learned that a picture ID is not a requirement to vote in Hawaii. Those who didn't bring their picture ID can bring a bill (ie. a rent bill, electric bill, phone bill, etc) or be asked to recite their address (to make sure it matches what is listed on the poll book).

So far, I have heard zero confirmed allegations of somebody reciting someone else's address as a way to commit voter fraud.


Also, renewing your ID is a pain.

In many places, it requires taking a whole day off work (goodbye $$$ I could've earned that day) to wait hours in a long line at a government building that is only open during the daytime.

If you lost your wallet that had both your ID and Social Security card, well good luck in getting both replaced. That happened to me, as I explained in this blog post

To get a replacement state ID, I need a social security card, but to get a social security card, I needed a state ID (or a driver license or a passport for which I have NEITHER)


Just when I went back home and feel all miserable, I got a message on my BlackBerry! Someone found my wallet!

The cash was gone but all the cards were still there!
A few lessons 

  • DO NOT store your state ID and your social security card in the same place
  • If you carry your state ID (or driver's license) in your wallet, DO NOT put your Social Security card there too! Hide your Social Security card somewhere else. Hide it somewhere in your home where burglars will have to struggle to find it! 
On other hardships of getting a photo ID

Sari Horwtiz, “Getting a photo ID so you can vote is easy. Unless you’re poor, black, Latino or elderly.,” Washington Post, May 23, 2016,

But many election experts say that the process for obtaining a photo ID can be far more difficult than it looks for hundreds of thousands of people across the country who do not have the required photo identification cards. Those most likely to be affected are elderly citizens, African Americans, Hispanics and low-income residents.
“A lot of people don’t realize what it takes to obtain an ID without the proper identification and papers,” said Abbie Kamin, a lawyer who has worked with the Campaign Legal Center to help Texans obtain the proper identification to vote. “Many people will give up and not even bother trying to vote.”

Many of the residents struggling to obtain a valid photo ID are elderly and poor and were born in homes rather than hospitals. As a result, birth certificates were often lost or names were misspelled in official city records.
Hargie Randall, 72, was born in his family’s home in Huntsville, Tex., and has lived in the state his entire life. Randall, now living in Houston’s low-income Fifth Ward neighborhood, has several health problems and such poor eyesight that he is legally blind. He can’t drive and has to ask others for rides.
After Texas implemented its new law, Randall went to the Department of Public Safety (the Texas agency that handles driver’s licenses and identification cards) three times to try to get a photo ID to vote. Each time Randall was told he needed different items. First, he was told he needed three forms of identification. He came back and brought his Medicaid card, bills and a current voter registration card from voting in past elections.
“I thought that because I was on record for voting, I could vote again,” Randall said.
But he was told he still needed more documentation, such as a certified copy of his birth certificate.
Records of births before 1950, such as Randall’s, are not on a central computer and are located only in the county clerk’s office where the person was born.
For Randall, that meant an hour-long drive to Huntsville, where his lawyers found a copy of his birth certificate.
But that wasn’t enough. With his birth certificate in hand, Randall went to the DPS office in Houston with all the necessary documents. But, DPS officials still would not issue him a photo ID because of a clerical mistake on his birth certificate. One letter was off in his last name — “Randell” instead of “Randall” — so his last name was spelled slightly different than on all his other documents.
Kamin, the lawyer, asked the DPS official if they could pull up Randall’s prior driver’s-license information, as he once had a state-issued ID. The official told her that the state doesn’t keep records of prior identification after five years, and there was nothing they could do to pull up that information.
Kamin was finally able to prove to a DPS supervisor that there was a clerical error and was able to verify Randall’s identity by showing other documents.


“I hear from people nearly weekly who can’t get an ID either because of poverty, transportation issues or because of the government’s incompetence,” said Chad W. Dunn, a lawyer with Brazil & Dunn in Houston, who has specialized in voting rights work for 15 years.
“Sometimes government officials don’t know what the law requires,” Dunn said. “People take a day off work to go down to get the so-called free birth certificates. People who are poor, with no car and no Internet access, get up, take the bus, transfer a couple of times, stand in line for an hour and then are told they don’t have the right documents or it will cost them money they don’t have.” 

because of these bureaucratic headaches, many believe the Republicans support both voter ID requirements AND laws to make it difficult to get a photo ID for the purpose deterring voters most likely to vote against them.

Being that Donald Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania by small margins, many felt the voter ID laws gave him an unfair advantage.  

The same has been said for states like North Carolina, Texas, Arizona, and Florida, all traditionally Republican states that have an increase in non-white populations. 


That said, I do strongly encourage people to get a photo ID, but even more strongly, I encourage states to make it easier for people to get a photo ID! More convenient hours and less paperwork required to get a photo ID!

Who can you be alone with?

Much has been said about Vice-President Mike Pence statement in 2002 (when he was in Congress) that the only woman he would have meals with just her is his wife. Same for meeting in an office.

This has some difference reactions.

Some said that is being sexist, because it deprive female colleagues a chance to network on a more individual basis. Those same people say that perpetuates an "old boy network" in which men hang our after work creating tighter bonds that help them advance their careers to the exclusion of women.
Also, if a woman had some concerns she wanted to share with a co-worker, it would be hard to do so when other people would be listening in. So not having a private meeting in an office would be hard for those women.

to learn more about such concerns, read
Karen Turner, “Some congressmen won't be alone with women staffers. They don't know how damaging that is.,” Vox, March 31, 2017

A woman who once worked as a secretary for Mike Pence during his Congress days said she never had a problem with Pence not having one-on-one dinners because he rarely socialized with staff (of either gender)outside of work hours. She also mentioned Pence was easy to work with, appreciated her efforts and  listened to her concerns.

Mary Vought, “I worked for Mike Pence. Being a woman never held me back.,” Washington Post, April 1, 2017

Others mentioned that Mike Pence is a conservative Christian with a reputation to upkeep. People from such backgrounds would be devastated by rumors of affairs, rumors that can be started because someone took a picture of man talking to a woman that's not his wife.

I mentioned about how damaging such paranoia about adultery is from those 2 blog posts from 2012

Others also mentioned that it's probably protection from allegations.  It's the idea that if a woman was in an office alone with a man, she might be upset at something he said, and would exaggerate to make him seem worse than he is. Being that it's just two people in the office, there would be no other witnesses.  Nobody around to say "no, he didn't do that at all"

On  the flip side to that, I remembered one woman on facebook saying that if she was a cab driver, she wouldn't want male costumers, being that she had been date raped by a former co-worker who walked her home.  She didn't report him to the police. Many times, rape happens where only the victim & predator were present, so there are no other witnesses, making it a "he-said, she-said" that makes guilty verdicts hard to reach.


AS for me, most of my workplaces have been environments where women outnumber men,  So I had office meetings where it's just me & a female supervisor. The only thing that happened was a professional conversation. 

I've also had meals where it's just me and a female co-worker. Again, just a professional conversation and idle chat. Nothing more.

Being that I don't drive, I have accepted car rides with females that I worked with or volunteered with. The only thing that happened was just talking story until the ride was over. Nothing happened after the ride was over.

A younger version of myself would've made jokes of "oooh, they're about to have ....................".  But I'm a mature adult now!  I know & respect other people's boundaries.


However, the rules are stricter in the education world between teachers and students.

If there is only one student in the classroom (which can happen during recess or after school), it is strongly suggested (and many times required) that the door be opened. This is mostly to prevent gossip and allegations.

Also, teachers are not allowed to accept students in their cars, again to prevent gossip and allegations.

Sometimes on the bus, I do see my students there and we talked. However, bus are public spaces where there are witnesses, so the potential for  BS allegations are greatly reduced.  Same thing if I see my students at the mall or the park. That being said, I have never arranged such meetings, it was just a coincidence that we see each other at the same place.