Saturday, April 02, 2005

Pharmacies, Contraception and Conscience

 Paul Krugman had an interesting scenario to discuss.

And it won't stop there. There is a nationwide trend toward "conscience" or "refusal" legislation. Laws in Illinois and Mississippi already allow doctors and other health providers to deny virtually any procedure to any patient. Again, think of how such laws expose doctors to pressure and intimidation.

Though I am for birth control pills, I still dont think government ought to force pharmacies to sell them. This is freedom.

A few years back, Hawaii governor Linda Lingle legalized the sale of emergency contraceptions (the morning-after pill) but refused to force pharmacies to sell them. Some birth-control advocates weren't happy. However, they must remember the freedom of religion. St. Francis hospitals (there's 2 of them on Oahu) are Catholic hospitals, so it's against their religion to sell birth control pills.

What next, do we force Jewish and Muslim cafeterias to serve pork? (I love pork, but i can go elsewhere to buy pork)

Going back to Krugman's point about intimidation of doctors and pharmacists. It is sad to see radical right wingers using threats against abortion providers and pharmacists who sell contraception pills. Those who do make those threats ought to be in prison.

But as I mentioned, government shouldn't force pharmacists to sell pills they dont want to sell. With that, Krugman still has the freedom to start a watchdog group to defend pharmacists and abortion providers against threats. Krugman still has the freedom to promote birth control. In fact, he could talk about starting a store specializing in selling birth control pills

Look at the Iraq situation. Barbers are being threatened for cutting people's hair in non-Islamic fashion. No one is forced to cut hair in non-Islamic style. But some do.

If I was president of Iraq, I'll let the barbers make the choice. Barbers can refuse to do non-Islamic hairstyle. Barbers can specialize in non-Islamic hairstyle. Either way, both ought to be protected from threats.

Same ought to be the situation on birth control. Pharmacies can refuse to sell contraception pills. Pharmacies can specialize in selling contraception pills. Either way, both ought to be protected from threats.

Women and Guns


Gun control fanatics claim that guns are used by abusive husbands who want to kill their wives.

What the gun control fanatics dont want to talk about is women using guns to defend themselves against attacks.

Malia Zimmerman explains women's need to have guns

Opponents to the right to bear arms say we should rely on police and calls to 9-1-1.

But how does 9-1-1 help the young women as she is snatched into a car with five men who intend to cause her harm.

How does 9-1-1 help the 85-year-old woman who is about to be tied up and raped by a man with previous sex offense convictions?

How does a 9-1-1 call help me when in the face of danger?

Truth is as good as police may be - or not be - at their jobs, they need time to respond to a call, and they need to be called.

What rapist is going to allow a woman to call police from her cell phone? What gang member will enable a victim to call for help?

DUH! This is why the rap group Public Enemy had a song called "911 is a joke". That got controversy, but when you're in imediate danger from a violent attack, 911 is a joke. You'll be dead before you can even dial 911, much less even speak to a 911 dispatcher.

Now I'll let Malia Zimmerman continue

But what every gang member, what every rapists, what every previous sex offender can understand and will respond to is the barrel of a gun pointed between his eyes - or lower.

That's right, the only language violent criminals understand is violence and fear. No amount of politically correct whining will ever erase that fact. Remember, most criminals would rather rob a 5-2 woman living in public housing than rob mulit-millionaire Shaq. Shaq will crack the skulls of anyone who messes with him. A 5-2 woman can't do that. She'll need a gun to protect herself.

Last word from Malia Zimmerman

Lawmakers should be ashamed of themselves for not passing laws that enable the women of this state to protect themselves when confronted by violent criminals, many still on the streets because of the laws these lawmakers passed that favor criminals over victims.

Friday, April 01, 2005

The best editorial on Teri Schiavo

Of all the editorials about the Teri Schiavo controversy, this New York Times editorial said it best.

It talks about the tragedy surrounding Teri Schiavo without attempting to score political points. It humanizes both sides of the debate.

(Because it's too long, I'll just leave you the link to the editorial)

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Hawaiians in San Diego

 The geniuses at Midweek ( don't even bother to print it's editorials on the Web. You can only find that weekly paper in Hawaii.

Anyways, Bob Jones mentioned about the hula halau from San Diego. Even there, the Native Hawaiians have preserved their culture.

This refutes the big lie spread by Native Hawaiian supremacists who declare that unless they gain more special treatment (ie OHA, Akaka Bill, Kam school), their culture will die. No, it won't!

If Native Hawaiian culture can thrive in San Diego and Las Vegas, it'll thrive in Hawaii, with or without the Akaka Bill, with or without OHA, with or without the Hawaiians-only admission to Kamehameha School,
Teri Schiavo died

After 13 days of starving and dehydration, Teri Schiavo has died.

Starving and dehydrating someone is too excessive.

If I was in a vegatative states, I'd rather be lethally injected (with poison that kills in minutes) rather than to be starved and dehydrated for 2 weeks.

Better to die fast than to die slow

In other Schivo related news, it's amazing to see Reverend Jesse Jackson and Florida Governor Jeb Bush be in agreement over something for once.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Elian and Schiavo

The Elian Gonzalez controversy and the Teri Schiavo controversy have plenty in common besides the fact they took place in Florida.

Both involve a lot of hypocrisy from the Radical Left.

In both cases, those who were unhappy with the courts' decisions strained to assert the federal government's power to produce a different outcome. The difference is that in Mrs. Schiavo's case, Congress backed off after passing a bill that merely asked a federal court to hear the case from scratch, something that U.S. District Judge James Whittemore declined to do. By contrast, those who wanted the federal government to intervene in Elian Gonzalez's case went all the way, supporting a predawn armed federal raid on the morning before Easter to seize the 6-year-old boy despite a federal appeals court's refusal to order his surrender

That's Right - Then President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Janet Reno DEFIED A COURT ORDER in the Elian Gonzalez case!

Read that sentence 6 times.

Yet, the same Radical Leftist who complain about police brutality cheered on the police brutality that Janet Reno's goons used against Elian Gonzalez and his Miami relatives .
USA vs Mexico soccer

I didn't have time to work on this blog the last few days, which is why I'm late in commenting on last Sunday's soccer game between USA and Mexico.

The game took place in Mexico City's Azteca Stadium (Estadio Azteca) which holds up to 105,000. The American fans had guts to watch the game at that stadium

Mexico defeated USA 2-1. The Mexicans were too fast and aggressive.

Which team did I support? USA

This might shock some people just because I have some Mexican ancestry. However, I AM NOT A CITIZEN OF MEXICO, I'M A CITIZEN OF THE USA!

Does anybody ask a white American if he/she supports Germany over the USA? Or support Ireland over the USA? Or support England over the USA?

If you was watching the World Cup in 2002, you'd probably find some Americans of German ancestry cheering on USA against Germany. So dont be surprised if you find Chicanos supporting the USA over Mexico!