Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Follow up on the Ground Zero mosque controversy

Yesterday, I completed my blog post on the Ground Zero mosque controversy. I started the post on August 14, but didn't finish it until August 17. But because I started it on August 14, Blogger will have "Saturday, August 14, 2010" stated above that blog post!

Another great point that I forgot to mention was that this anti-mosque hysteria HELPS Al Quaida!

Osama bin Laden loves to rile up people in the Muslim world by stating that "Europeans and Americans hate Muslims", "the US and Israel is at war with Islam", blah, blah, blah!

So who's helping Osama bin Laden with that propaganda? ANSWER : Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and all the other fanatics who scream about a mosque being built near Ground Zero! Because of Gingrich, Palin, Beck, etc. this gives an opportunity for Al Quaida to tell Muslims "See, I told you Americans hate Muslims". That will then energize the hate some young Muslims feel toward the US!

So it is Palin, Gingrich, Beck et al that is endangering national security!


Regardless, now that the issue’s joined, President Obama’s stuck with it. Insulting our Muslim allies and giving Osama bin Laden a huge propaganda victory by making the struggle against terrorism appear to be a war against Islam -- exactly as he claims -- would be a strategic disaster.

Recognizing that very danger, Joe Conason points out, was always one of President George W. Bush’s virtues. Generally speaking, silence has become him since January 2009. But his party has now gone badly astray, and he owes it to the country to say so.

This following link was from an article by Naomi Klein written in 2005, after the London subway bombing in 2005! It fits my earlier points!

This last statistic shows that the brand of multiculturalism practiced in Britain (and France, Germany, Canada...) has little to do with genuine equality. It is instead a Faustian bargain, struck between vote-seeking politicians and self-appointed community leaders, one that keeps ethnic minorities tucked away in state-funded peripheral ghettos while the centers of public life remain largely unaffected by the seismic shifts in the national ethnic makeup. Nothing exposes the shallowness of this alleged tolerance more than the speed with which Muslim communities are now being told to "get out" (to quote Tory MP Gerald Howarth) in the name of core national values.

The real problem is not too much multiculturalism but too little. If the diversity now ghettoized on the margins of Western societies--geographically and psychologically--were truly allowed to migrate to the centers, it might infuse public life in the West with a powerful new humanism. If we had deeply multi-ethnic societies, rather than shallow multicultural ones, it would be much more difficult for politicians to sign deportation orders sending Algerian asylum-seekers to torture, or to wage wars in which only the invaders' dead are counted. A society that truly lived its values of equality and human rights, at home and abroad, would have another benefit too. It would rob terrorists of what has always been their greatest recruitment tool: our racism.

Read that again, anti-mosque fanatics! Your rantings is a great recruitment tool of Al Quaida.

You want to know why? Your kids hear your rants, that will indirectly encourage them bully classmates who are of Arab, Pakistani, North African, Somali ...etc .... ancestry! Guess how'll their victims feel. Feeling like they can't take this bullying anymore, Just like those Columbine killers!

Whereas if you teach your kids to respect different cultures, they'll likely to make their classmates who are of Arab, Pakistani, North African, Somali ......etc... ancestry feel welcome. They'll likely play a pick-up basketball game, ride their bikes or boards, play music, etc. Now would those Muslim kids who felt invited by their non-Muslim peers feel inclined to join Al Quaida? Hell no, they're more likely to tell Al Quaida to "(beep) off! You don't represent us! Those Christians, Jews, Buddhists, atheists, etc are my homies, now go to hell Al Quaida!