Saturday, March 19, 2005

More Coaches Busted for Drunkenness

Earlier this week, I mentioned that Kahuku High School girl's softball coach was drinking with his players. There was no report of sexual misconduct, though I did mention it is a possibility.

Well, guess what? At Lanai High School, the coaches of the girl's basketball team were drinking with the players and there was a report of sexual misconduct.

Two Lana'i High girls basketball coaches have been fired after allegations that players were given alcohol during a trip to O'ahu last weekend, the school's athletic director confirmed.
Maui County police on Lana'i said they were investigating reports involving the girls basketball team that alcohol was distributed to minors and of sexual misconduct, but wouldn't name any suspects.

No details were released about the alleged sexual misconduct.

Sophomore guard/forward Anna Castillo, 15, who was released from the team, was angry.
"I'm really mad about it, and some girls took threats from (the coaches), and they told us to take it to the grave, and some girls are scared," she said.

Friday, March 18, 2005

More Stupidity from Russell Jacoby

 Again, commenting on the same article


Klein and Stern lecture us, but in social science and humanities faculties "clearly the non-Left points of view have been marginalized." This is "clearly" not true, or at least it is not obvious what constitutes a "non-Left" point of view in art history or linguistics

The Klein study and others like it focus on the humanities and social sciences. Conservatives seem little interested in exploring the political orientation of engineering professors or biogeneticists

My Response: Let's get back to reality - most of the university indoctorination DO come from the arts and humanities courses, and profs in those departments DO tend to make off-topic political rants in class. That is a fact!

Conservatives seem unconcerned about the political orientation of the business professors.

My Response: That's because most business professors don't make political rants in class. It's the social sciences/humanities profs that do so.

Another "abuse" occurred in an introductory class, Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution, where military approaches were derided. A student complained that "the only studying of conflict resolution that we did was to enforce the idea that non-violent means were the only legitimate sources of self-defense." This was "indoctrination," not education. Presumably the professor of "peace studies" should be ordered to give equal time to "war studies." By this principle, should the United States Army War College be required to teach pacifism?

My Response: Actually, in a 2003 article in the NY Times about the US Army Academy (West Point) football team, one of the student athletes was taking a philosophy class debating about "what is a just war". In this case, a military academy is being more balanced than a peace-studies/conflict-resolution class.

More leftists undoubtedly inhabit institutions of higher education than they do the FBI or the Pentagon or local police and fire departments, about which conservatives seem little concerned, but who or what says every corner of society should reflect the composition of the nation at large?

My Response: This is comparing apples to oranges. Firefighters don't have as much influence in shaping the worldview of a 18-24 year old college student as a professor does.

If college students can vote and go to war, they can also protest or drop courses without enlisting the new commissars of intellectual diversity.

My Response: In most cases, the students don't even know anything about the profs until class starts. By then, it's too late, because it would require a major overhaul of a set schedule.

In Jacoby's mind, those who remain in North Korea, Iran or Sudan deserve to be tortured. That's what it sounds like with his so-called "logic".

I found that Russell Jacoby is a UCLA professor. With his attitude, you can imagine the following

- if Jacoby was a cop, he will viciously insult anyone concerned with police brutality
- if Jacoby was a priest, he will viciously insult anyone concerned with child mo

Tobin Jones and Russell Jacoby - 2 of hearts?

 In the leftist magazine "The Nation", Russel Jacoby insults those of us who believes that professors should stick to their subject instead of indoctorinating us with leftist propaganda.

It reminds me of Tobin Jones.

Since I forgot to save my letter to The Nation, but it goes something like this.

I am a recent graduate of the University of Hawaii-Manoa, and while some professors are able to stick to the topic and present various viewpoints, some go over the line.

Some are more concerned with counter-balancing Fox News than teaching their assigned topics. Nevermind that most students at my university are too busy studying and working part-time jobs to vigorously watch any news-stations, much less be devoted to Fox News. This makes those students vulnerable to one-sided rants from professors.

In my Poetry & Drama class, the professor wasted class time with rants of hatred towards President Bush. How would Russell Jacoby feel if (for example) a biology professor wasted class time insulting John Kerry? Hmmm? Hmmm? Hmmm?

All we ask is that professors stick to their subject and respect various viewpoints. How hard can that be, Russell Jacoby?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Female Cops

 Right-wing extremist Ann Coulter said women are too weak to be cops.

Well, Ann Coulter is a weak women with a big mouth. You should've seen the time when someone threw a pie at her. She just RAN in fear. That was so funny LOL :)

Anyways, let's be serious.

Yes, big male cops have advantages in arresting large suspects. However, female cops have other advantages.

One is that they can pat-down and search female suspects.

They can also beat up aggressive female suspects so that the male cops don't have to face charges of abuse.

Another advantage of female police officers is that female victims of rape and domestic violence would feel more comfortable talking about the incident to a female police officer.

If I have bodyguards, I'd have some big, strong men to protect me from big attackers. However, I might have a female bodyguard to protect me from female attackers.

You might think I'm joking, but I'm serious.

In high school, I got into a fight with a girl. The girl was being disruptive and I told her to shut up. She then attacked me and I had to defend myself.

The reaction from others were mixed. Some thought it was funny. Some admired my guts. Even other girls were smiling when I was talking about that incident, those girls had no pity for the girl who attacked me. (So much for girl power and feminist solidarity)

And of course, some thought of me as an abusive man. Their attitude was "how dare you hit a girl", ignoring the fact that my actions were solely in self-defense.

If a girl attacks a male, it's either 1) run, hope she doesn't kill you and people will call you a sissy for getting beat up by a girl or 2) defend yourself and be considered abusive.

That's why, if I'm famous, I would hire a female bodyguard, so I dont take the heat for hitting a girl who attacks me.
Happy St. Patrick's Day

If a friend isn't wearing green, pinch 'em.
Hawaiian News

1) I watched the Edgy Lee's documentary on the Native Hawaiians this past Tuesday. It was an interesting film about the Native Hawaiian culture, their history, their hardships, and the Hawaiian Renaissance (in the 1970s) when many Native Hawaiians rediscovered their ancestor's culture.

In earlier post, I mentioned about this one Chinese male who whined that it's not fair that bus passes and street names have Hawaiian words. I wish that Chinese guy saw that Native Hawaiian documentary, so he would understand what was really unfair.

2) Lilikala Kame'eleihiwa (UH Hawaiian Studies prof) complained that a white male won the 1st Grammy for Hawaiian music.

What else would Lilikala demand? Would she protest if a non-white won an award for country music, heavy metal or punk rock?

PS: Lilikala Kame'eleihiwa real name is Lily Dorton

Kahuku Softball Coach Getting Drunk with Girls

Kahuku High School's girls' softball coach has been alleged of drinking with his players.

No word on whether anything sexual went along with it. Why I mentioned that? Because at most times, when a male offers a female alcohol, it has nothing to with enjoyment, it's to make the female vulnerable to sexual assault.

Here's how large amounts alcohol usually work

1)you drink
2) you get all rowdy
3) you pass out

The bigger you are, the slower the process. The smaller you are, you're more likely to go from Step 1 to Step 3 very fast.

This is why a drunken female will pass out while the drunken male takes advantage. Step 3 hasn't yet kicked in for the drunken male due to his larger size.

Of course, guys have to be careful with drunken girls. I already made it a rule not to have sex with drunken girls, even if they want it bad. They can take you to court, tell the jury she was drunk and you had sex with her - the jury can take her side, you get convicted.

Back to the Kahuku softball coach, one has to wonder if he had sex with his drunken players. It's worth investigating.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Kahuku Farm Incident

Here's a great letter to editor from yesterday's Honolulu Advertiser

Shooting seems to be an effective deterrent

So, agricultural theft in Kahuku has dropped effectively to zero since Sept. 7 when Khamxath Baccam took proactive action to protect himself and his property ("Farm thefts sharply decline," March 5). What a surprise.

I hope these events will open the eyes of all the people out there who have bleeding hearts for career criminals. Years of lax penalties, second (and third, and fourth, and 10th ...) chances have led to a nation of people who don't fear the law and its consequences. I salute you, Mr. Baccam, for showing us all what can happen when criminals are given a little deterrence.

I only hope when your jury is selected in your shooting-death trial, you draw individuals who have actually done some hard, manual labor in their life. People who will understand what it is like to work all day, every day in the hot, dusty environment of a farm only to awaken to looted fields and stolen equipment.

Ice addicts and thieves may not fear the law but, in Kahuku at least, we've finally found something that gets their attention.

Edd Rushing

My comments:

1)Hardened criminals commit their crimes when they know the police aren't around, that way they can escape before the police come.

2) Hardened criminals pick on easy targets.

3) Hardened criminals make excuses for their crimes. Those excuses include a hard childhood, poverty, etc. They'll make those excuses and laugh at the suckers who accept those excuses.

4) The ice addict who intruded on Bacaam's farm thought he was an easy target. The ice addict knew the police were miles away. The ice addict got shot at. Good for him.

5) All the gun control fanatics and the excuse-accepters (see #3) have yet to comment on Bacaam's case. That's because what Bacaam did is disprove all the horseshit promoted by the gun control fanatics and those who accept excuses made by hardened criminals.

Monday, March 14, 2005

When do we become adults?

According to a legislature report in yesterday's Honolulu Advertiser, there is a proposed law that is being debated by the Hawaii state legislature that will raise the age one can legally buy a shotgun or a rifle, from 18 to 21.

Here's what I wrote to my representatives in the state legislature

To Senator BrianTaniguchi & Representative Scott Saiki

I was informed that Bill SB 600, (the one that raises the age to buy a rfile from age 18 to age 21) is still alive.

It is a ridiculous law. A person is either an adult or not an adult.

If one is old enough to vote and join the military, then one is old enough to buy any gun.

I would also lower the drinking age to 18, even though I think getting drunk is one of the most ridiculous thing one can do.

Either a person is an adult or not an adult.

I am 24, so those age limits haven't applied to me for a few years. I could thumb my nose at those younger than me. I won't. But I also believe in a consistent philosophy - one is either an adult or not an adult.