Monday, January 17, 2005

Martin Luther King Day

Today, I give thanks to Dr. Martin Luther King for having the guts to stand up against segregation and racism, without starting a race war.

Too many people in this world are totally gutless, not willing to put themselves on the line for a good cause. Martin Luther King put his life on the line, risking imprisonment and death, because he understood that respect isn't given, it's fought for. He understood that Jim Crow has broken down the confidence of so many African Americans, that to let it go on one second further will only make things worse.

Because of King's influence, racism is something looked down by millions of Americans. People are willing to explore different cultures. People are more careful when talking about racial issues.

Usher was the best selling musician last year. I doubt it would've happen if King didn't demand respect for African Americans.

Imagine if every nation had a Martin Luther King. Imagine if the Palestinians had a Martin Luther King instead of an Yassir Arafat. The Palestinians would already have their nation a long time ago. The only reason the Palestinians still haven't gotten one all these years, is because of Israeli fears of being blown up. If there were more civil rights marches in Jerusalem instead of suicide bombings, Israel CANT even use terrorism as an excuse. If there were civil right marches in Jerusalem instead of the PLO and Hamas shooting at little kids, hijacking planes or blowing up buses, West Bank would've been Palestinian controlled by 1994 (same year as when Nelson Mandela became President of South Africa)

Unfortunately, too many on the Left make excuses for the Hamas. They should end the excuses and support civil disobidience. But then again, Osama bin Laden doesn't want civil disobedience, he wants an all-out war against all non-Muslims.