Friday, August 01, 2008

Stupid Political Metaphors

Fox News started out as an alternative to the moderately liberal media outlets like NBC, CBS, CNN, New York Times, etc. (those outlets are not as Far Left as "The Nation", "Village Voice" or "Honolulu Weekly")

Fox News started out by claiming those liberal outlets are "out of touch with mainstream America" or at least the Red States!

1) However, Fox News E.D. Hill is the one who is out of touch with mainstream America!

While describing Barack & Michelle Obama's pounding each other's fist after a primary election victory speech, E.D. Hill described it by calling a "terrorist fist jab".

A "terrorist fist jab"? GET A CLUE E.D. Hill! Even the college conservatives are embarrassed at your ignorance! Even the most whitest of rural conservatives pound each other's fist when they greet each other!

This is embarrassing for the conservative movement, for a Fox News pundit to express such ignorance!

Even after her ignorant comment, ED Hill still seemed clueless on how young people greet each other! Get with the times Ms Hill!

Another level of idiocy from Fox News!

For example, during a discussion on Michelle Obama, the words "Barack Obama's Baby Mama" appeared on the bottom of the screen!

To those who don't understand what that means, "baby mama" is used to refer to someone who had a man's baby out of wedlock! Those are fighting words when referring to someone's wife!

"Baby Mama" is what rappers usually refer to their ex-girlfriends, and used in the context of "my baby mama's nagging me for child support", "my baby mama's not allowing me to see my kids", "my baby mama's a ho!"

This is desperate on Fox News part!

While there's nothing wrong with criticizing Barack Obama's policies, that's not what "baby mama" or "terrorist fist jab" is about! It's just desperate smears!

While, at least on ABC NEWS, there's hope. 20/20 co-host John Stossell is a libertarian who criticizes liberal policies on economics, environment, and other issues. He also does so WITHOUT disrespecting other cultures!

So while we can rely on Stossell to point out the policy flaws of Barack Obama & John McCain, he will do so without racial, religious or cultural smears!

2) Back in 2003, I wrote an editorial stating those whole idea of "Europeans being more Open-Minded than Americans" as FALSE, and pointed out the various bigotries existing in Europe! One of them was this stupid metaphor of the "cowboy mentality", which was used as a stereotype of the Rural White American as being "uncivilized Wild West types"

One of the common immature criticisms coming from the European anti-Americans is the criticism of President Bush and his "cowboy attitude". Think about this for a minute! This type of criticism is promoting prejudice against people who live in rural areas and live the ranching lifestyle!

Many of the people who spew out this anti-cowboy propaganda show extreme prejudice towards rural people of Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada, Wyoming and other similar states. But that's not all they're insulting! For one thing, they're insulting the paniolos, the Hawaiian cowboys. How does it feel to hear our fellow Hawai'i residents insulted by arrogant European chauvinists?

And who did both the white American cowboys and the paniolos learn the cowboy tradition from? They learned it from the Spanish and the Mexicans! The Hispanics are the original cowboys. I bet that many European chauvinists didn't know that.

And yet, Hissy Fit King (real name: Tobin Jones) defended this European bigotry

Unfortunately, Pablo W. seems to think that somehow the phrase "cowboy attitude" is meant as a slap in the face to real cowboys. This is all part of a weak attempt to link Hawaiian culture to Gulf War II. Its a METAPHOR, W! The image that most people conjure up of a cowboy is a wild guy on a horse raising Cain everywhere. That probably is not what a real cowboy does, but that sure is what Dubya is doing!

First off, how is me asking people to show the paniolos (Hawaiian cowboys) respect an "attempt to link Hawaiian culture to Gulf War II"?

It's a Metaphor, W? Is that what you're yelling at me, Hissy Fit King? Is, "baby mama" a metaphor? Is "terrorist fist jab" a metaphor?

While the many liberals did the right thing in denouncing Fox News on the "baby mama" and "terrorist fist jab" metaphors, there is still too many people in the Left who promotes the hateful attacks on Rural European-Americans!

There are some (not all) people on the Radical Left who try to stir up hatred and rivalries between Rural European-Americans, Urban European-Americans and African-Americans.

People like Hissy Fit Tobin Jones ought to be ashamed of themselves for defending the "cowboy" smear!

Like Rodney King asked "can we just get along?"