Tuesday, February 03, 2004

More on the Super Bowl halftime show

Already, the religious fanatics at World Net Daily (www.worldnetdaily.com/commentary.asp) are calling the whole Justin-Janet act a form of "cultural terrorism". What a bunch of crap! It's not terrorizing anyone! Boo-hoo-hoo little kids are seeing Janet's breasts! So what? All the little girls will one day grow breast, and all the little boys will one day grow up and see women's breast.

Charles Taylor of Salon.com said it best


And a letter writer to the Op-Ed pages of today's New York Times says, "As a country we are criticized by Muslim moderates and physically attacked by Islamic purists. They say our culture is morally corrupting. Did this show give them further confirmation?" To which the only honest answer is yes. Thank God.

Two days after 9/11 I ventured into Manhattan and saw, rising above an almost deserted Times Square, a Pepsi billboard featuring Britney Spears in jeans pulled low enough to show the straps of her red thong. I'm not a fan of Britney or her music but I will always be grateful to her for, in that moment, embodying everything the Taliban hates about America. It was vulgar and obvious and very, very heartening.

Of course, the radical right thinks that in order to defeat the Islamic Fascists, we must be more like them in sexual matters. I say that's bullshit! Being as uptight, self-righteous and asexual as those Islamic Fascists is only letting them win the war of morals. We should the opposite of the Islamic Fascists - meaning we should love freedom, fun, and sexual imagery!

If we end up like those religious fanatics at World Net Daily, the War against Islamic Fascists will no longer be freedom versus tyranny, it will be just Bloods versus Crips.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Super Bowl Halftime

I was watching the Super Bowl at my friend's house.

During halftime, there was Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake dancing and singing. They were bumpin and grinding, very stimulating but I didn't say anything since my friend's moms and aunties were there. I definitely wouldn't be silent if it was just my friends there.

Anyways, my friend and his relatives were so busy talking that they missed Justin exposing Janet's breast to a nationwide audience. I didn't say anything and I could tell they all missed it since no one said anything. I thought that was funny :)

Now, Justin said that act wasn't intentional! As of this point, I think Justin is lying. I think Justin and Janet planned it, but they didn't tell the Super Bowl organizers ahead of time for obvious reasons.

Useless Cliche's

I want to mention a conversation that irritated the shit out of me. That conversation happened a few years ago. One night, I was still mad about a friend saying he was going to visit my dorm room, yet backed out because someone else invited him AFTER I invited him. (by the way, I no longer talk to that guy for UNRELATED reasons)

Anyways, I mentioned that to my then-roommate! My then-roommate said ONE OF THE MOST STUPIDEST THINGS I'VE EVER HEARD! He told me to forget about it and that gettin mad is letting that "friend" win! That roommate thought what he said will make me less mad! In reality, he made me more mad!

But later I realize that I can't blame my roommate totally. He's not a bad person, it's just that all his life, he was taught a whole bunch of useless cliches. But he's not the only one who believed such useless cliches! I have family members, aquaintances, whatever, who believe such crap!

So what are those useless cliches and how do I interpret them? I will tell you right now!

Cliche #1 - "Just forget about it already"

MY RESPONSE: Usually someone says this when I am talking about a problem I have with someone else. People who say "just forget about it already" dont understand basic psychology. When one goes through a bad experience, there's no way in hell one will forget about it, no matter how hard one tries. Things will linger in the mind no matter what! All that cliche does is make someone more mad at you, not make someone less mad about the situation. This is common sense.

Cliche #2 - "you can't live in the past"

MY RESPONSEExcuse me, just because I am talking about the past, that doesnt mean my mind is stuck there. The present and the future is connected to the past! To pretend otherwise is idiotic. Sometimes, to notice patterns, one must look at his/her past. One can figure out what went well and what went wrong by thinking and talking about the past!
Plus, it's natural for one to think about the past. This is basic psychology we're talking about here.

Cliche #3 - "why be mad about something you can't change?"

MY RESPONSEI'm mad precisely because I can't change it! If I could change something, I would've done it already! If one wants something changed but is not able to do it, of course that person is going to be mad. This is basic psychology we're talking about here.

Cliche #4 - "If you show anger at someone pissing you off, they'll win"

MY RESPONSEWho comes up with such nonsense? Showing anger is a sign of being realistic about what is happening. Harmful people win if you don't retaliate! When one doesn't retaliate or protest, the harmful person thinks the victim is scared, weak, and vulnerable. Trust me, there were times when I did nothing when people pissed me off! No fights, no arguments, nothing!

All that did was indirectly tell those people that I was weak and soft, and therefore an easy target. And the times I did stand up for myself showed people that I am not an ass kisser, not an easy target. When one stands up for oneself, even if it's a delayed reaction, it empowers oneself over the harasser.


Cliche #5 - "the only way to not have conflict is to not have enemies"

MY RESPONSEYeah, and the only way to not get raped is to not have genitals, mouth or an anus. Off course, that is unrealistic, since no one can survive without those body parts. And enemies can pop out of nowhere! What some naive people dont realize is that there are some people who love to cause trouble for no good reason. Being nice to those people will be interpreted as weakness. No amount of reasoning, pleading, or singing "let's give a peace a chance" will stop those people from harming you or others.

Cliche #6- "violence doesn't solve anything"

MY RESPONSEJust because violence doesn't solve everything doesn't erase the fact that violence has solved some problems. We didn't stop Hitler by singing "where is the love?" We did it through violent action! And in personal matters, sometimes a hard slap, kick in the groin, a poke in the eye, or a series of punches can stop someone harrassing you. Sometimes, those things are more effective than begging for respect or trying to logically reason with them. But if your hits aren't devastating hits, then it won't do much. Maybe pulling out a gun might do the trick, though the politically correct might disaprove. But when you are in danger, the hell with political correctness. If that makes you uncomfortable, then you might have to resort to calling the authority, who must threaten force if neccessary. Violence is the last resort but sometimes, the last resort is all you have left.