Saturday, June 11, 2005

Medical Marijuana

Though the US government bans marijuana, some states allow it's residents to smoke marijuana for medicinal purposes.

Earlier, this month, the US Supreme Court allowed the Feds to arrest even those who use marijuana in states where it's legal to smoke for medicinal purposes!

Here's some commentary from Debra Saunders

http: //

That's because there is no recognized medical use for marijuana, according to the American Medical Association, the drug warriors respond. Fair enough. But the California Medical Association supports medical marijuana.

What does this show? Despite the claims that medicine is supposed to be objective, those in the medical industry disagree on many medical issues. This is true for marijuana, birth control pills, and many other things.

And dont forget that the American Medical Association (AMA) has gone along with many political fads. For example, the AMA supports stricter gun control laws! This even though 1) not all doctors (even those working in trauma units) believe in stricter gun laws, 2) more people die in swimming pools than by gunshots! But because the political fad in many urban areas is in favor of strict gun control, many in the AMA go along with it.

In the case of medical marijuana, it might be a fear of ridicule from the right-wingers that is keeping the AMA from supporting medical marijuana! Or a fear of a tax audit from the Attorney General!

The White House drug czar John Walters has been a strong opponent of medical marijuana. As he sees it, pot-heads are using sick people to push marijuana.

I am sure he is right. And I don't care.

The Extreme Right says that the sick people are a red herring in the push for legalizing medical marijuana! Want to talk about red herrings? Fine, those potheads smoking in school bathrooms are the red herring put out by the Mega-Conservative Morality Fascists for the purpose of scaring people from supporting the legalization of medical use of marijuana!

Yes, some stoners and thugs smoke weed! We know that! But they also drink water! Does that make water a bad thing?

Does marijuana have side effects? Yes! It can cause hallucination, lack of focus, lung problems and loss of sperm! That's why I never smoked marijuana!

But the Morality Fascists on the Far Right want you to think the only chemicals with side effects are marijuana and birth control pills!

The Morality Fascists doesn't want anyone to mention that marijuana have positive effects. But facts are facts.

From the same editorial mentioned earlier

And many users note that medical marijuana relieves their nausea without drugging them into oblivion.

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I saw 93-year-old Dorothy Gibbs, who suffered from post-polio syndrome. She found that marijuana eased her severe nausea.

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Corral, an epileptic, believes she suffers fewer seizures because of medical marijuana. She used to take more powerful pharmaceutical drugs that "made me feel as if I was underwater. " With marijuana, she said, she is more functional.

But don't expect the Morality Fascists to pay attention to the facts. They dont care about facts! They'll continue to focus on the stoners and the street thugs in order to distract us from real life cases in which some innocent people have benefited from marijuana!
Kamehameha Day

In Hawaii, today is Kamehameha Day, a state holiday

1) It's so ironic that while the Native Hawaiian activists condemn America for taking over Hawaii, they idolize King Kamehameha for using violent force to take over all of Hawaii. And for what? For his lust of power. No democracy, no freedom, nothing!

While Native Hawaiian sovereignty activists condemn McKinley High School for being named after a US President who took over Hawaii, they are silent about Kamehameha School (an elite private school for Native Hawaiians only) being named after a conqueror and a dictator.

Hey, at least McKinley High School is open to all races, OK!

End Segregation - Open Up Kamehameha Schools!

2) The Native Hawaiian Registry

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs wanted anyone with Native Hawaiian ancestry to register their names. For what? In case the Akaka Bill comes through and give Native Hawaiians more special treatment.

Only 18,000 Native Hawaiians registered despite an estimate of 400,000 Native Hawaiians living worldwide.

Some activists complain of "lack of publicity". BULLCRAP! Ads advertising this registry was constantly played on KCCN 100 and Island 98.5 (both Hawaiian reggae radio stations that are MEGA-POPULAR among Native Hawaiians). I listen to those radio stations so don't tell me those ads didn't get constant rotation!

So why the low number of Native Hawaiians registering?The politically incorrect answer is ---- A lot of Native Hawaiians aren't interested in getting more special treatment. They're not interested in more government largess!

And here's what one of those registry activist, Corrane Park-Chun, said

"My husband is going to divorce me. I'm never around. I have no life," Park-Chun said.

Oh, How sweet! Effin up her family life in a mission for more race-based special treatment!

Just imagine if Germany start giving out special treatment to Native Germans! Oops - wait a minute, that happened in the 1930's-1940's. We all know how that went!

Of course, anyone who refuse to kiss the asses of the Native Hawaiian Supremacists (ie. Park-Chun and Trask who ironically have non-Hawaiian last names) risks getting called "racists" and "anti-Hawaiian"!

How dare I believe that every people should get treated equally, regardless of race!