Friday, July 04, 2008

4th of July

232 years ago today, the United States of America had declared independence.

It was the start of the greatest nation in history.

Unfortunately, there's some haters out there, even in the USA

Haters like Jeremiah Wright and Tobin Jones{my # 1 critic at UH-Manoa}. Nevermind that the USA gave Wright an opportunity to (voluntarily) join the Marines, and become a prominent and relatively wealthy minister!

Nevermind that the USA gave Jones an opportunity to go to college, receive a communications degree and be financially well off enough to travel to 26 states that he likes to brag about. (though he could be exaggerating to give himself a sense of "false sophistication" to rub it in his enemies faces)

In Mexico, there's no self-hatred, no embarrassment of being Mexican, nor any preacher screaming "god damn Mexico",
even though Mexico has the same history of bloody conquests, slavery, and oppression like the USA! They recognize their history, but it doesn't stop them from having pride in their country!

Despite the stereotypes perpetuated by Jeremiah Wright and Tobin Jones, many African-Americans don't appreciate the anti-US animosity that comes from Wright or Jones! They love the USA and the opportunity it brings them!

Here's Walter Williams, an African-American economist, expressing disagreement of the pessimists

Here’s my question for you: What are we to make of people who preach pessimism and doom to people — telling them that they’re poor because others are rich or telling blacks that they’ll never make it because of societal racism? What are we to make of politicians, media pundits and college professors who preach the politics of envy — telling people lies that the rich became rich off the backs of the poor? I grew up poor in a housing project in North Philadelphia, and those weren’t the lessons prevalent a half-century ago

Every nation has flaws!

But if so many people are interested in representing their neighborhoods, their schools, their  cities, their states, their coasts (or regions), then we can extend that in also representing our country!

Some say Europeans aren't into national pride, but that's nonsense! Europeans scream national pride at soccer games. So do Latin Americans, Africans, Asians, Middle Easterners, Pacific Islanders and everyone else. Even the Canadians scream their national pride at hockey games!

So ignore the haters like Tobin Jones and Jeremiah Wright! Be proud of the USA!