Saturday, May 07, 2016

Enough of this Affirmative Nonsense already!

I really can't wait until the Supreme Court eliminate this "affirmative nonsense" (aka "affirmative action") when people are given positions just for the sake of diversity! People need to EARN things, even if it's more challenging for some than others!

In this case, a Latino student at a mostly Asian-American school (wait, doesn't that sound familiar to my situation? LOL!) was offered a student president position by some idiot principal for the sake of diversity! It's as if the principal didn't have confidence that a Latino couldn't earn votes from Asian students! How's that for racist stereotyping?

That idiot principal needs to realize that part of the reason why Barack Obama was the 1st African-American to be ELECTED president was because early in his life, he had to learn to communicate with people different from him!

I mean, sheesh, if an Indian-American can win elections in Louisiana and South Carolina in REAL LIFE, then that idiot principal should step back, and allow racial minorities to EARN their student government positions!


This was in response to this news story coming out of San Francisco (which is supposedly more liberal than South Carolina, which actually elected an Indian-American governor IN REAL LIFE)

from that article
After it was announced that another student was selected for the vice president seat, Ortiz was called into the principal’s office on three occasions, his mother said. Faculty twice encouraged him to become freshman treasurer.

On the third occasion, Ortiz and the white student who was selected as vice president were both called into the office. Faculty then asked the appointed vice president to step down so that Ortiz could take her seat, which he declined.

“They were, like, bribing me into being on the student council,” said Ortiz, who, despite his last name, identifies as white. “It was basically a thanks, but no thanks.”

and more, this one from the idiot principal Cheryl Foster learning a hard lesson

Moeller took notes during the meeting and recorded Foster as saying, “We learned a lot from this, from children like [Ortiz], who didn’t want us to install them into posts they were not elected for.” 
In her statement to the Examiner, Foster said the process “worked to encourage non-traditional candidates and resulted in a diverse ninth grade group of officers.” In one case, a freshman had not considered running until he was recommended by faculty.
But a proposal at the school to make appointments in all grade levels this semester was shot down by students, Foster said.

Yeung, the junior treasurer, said she believed the elected process was the way to go.
You should learn the skills to be able to say I want to run for this and here’s why, be able to tell people you should vote for me because this, this and this,” Yeung said. “I think that’s a great way for us to learn as students.” 

And I want to say this to politically correct idiots like that principal Cheryl Foster

I don't want your type of help! 

I don't want allies like you!  

Don't give me this "at least I'm not Donald Trump or Ann Coulter" because that is severely low standard to measure yourself by! 

Being called  "wetback piece of feces" is NOWHERE NEAR AS INSULTING as being given a message that I can't earn respect from Asians (or Anglos or Jews or African-Americans or whatevers)

Being called  "wetback piece of feces" is NOWHERE NEAR AS INSULTING as being  to be given a message that I could only get a position for the sake of fulfilling a diversity quota!

To hell with diversity quotas!

If someone who is Asian or Anglo or Jewish is more qualified for a position than I am................ THAN HIRE THAT MORE QUALIFIED PERSON! 

If I need surgery, I want the most qualified surgeon REGARDLESS if that surgeon is from an under-represented or over-represented ethnicity in the surgery profession! 

End this Affirmative Nonsense! 

Monday, May 02, 2016

Gender Neutral Restrooms

North Carolina passed a law requiring people to use the restrooms according to the gender on their birth certificate!  This brought tons of backlash against North Carolina over something that wouldn't be controversial in even the most liberal states 2 decades ago!

Why Separate Restrooms?

We already know why? Basically to give girls privacy during their most vulnerable moments! Basically to protect girls from silly perverted boys!

I mean if a girl go into a boy's bathroom, there isn't the level of freakout if a boy go into the girl's bathroom.

(by the way, in high school, I actually saw a girl smoking in the boy's bathroom. I actually knew that girl from the elementary school, and I was giggling while saying "harassment!". She actually begged for me not to tell the teachers. Later, I told my friend about the incident, and he said that wasn't the 1st time that same girl smoked in the boy's bathroom!  Years later, I contacted that same girl on myspace, and asked her straight up "why were you smoking in the boy's bathroom?" She responded with "Whaaaat? I dont' remember that. Probably because I was young and  young people do stupid things")

If any boy tried THAT, he most likely would've been beaten up, snitched on and expelled! 

What about gender non-conformists?

This is where things get tricky!

Especially for ultra-feminine males who dress totally like women!

In the men's restrooms, they risk being attacked by homophobic men!

In the women's restrooms, they risk being yelled at (and slapped) by angry women who feel that their private space is being intruded by a man!

So where do the transgender go to restroom?

Or what about those born with both male & female sex organs.

From Salon's interview with Dr.  Gerald N. Callahan

Given that you work in the field of pathology, intersexuality isn’t exactly your immediate area of expertise. How did you end up writing this book?
The area I’m most involved with within pathology is immunology, which on one level is the study of how we manage to distinguish ourselves from the rest of the universe. I was preparing for a course when I came across an article that mentioned that 65,000 children are born of indeterminate sex each year. I thought that was amazing — because that was a much higher number of individuals than those afflicted by many diseases I was very aware of — and I began to wonder why I hadn’t heard about them.
You can learn more by reading

It's not only about the  transgendered and intersex!

What would parents do if they alone take their kids of the opposite gender out in public?

Lots of akwardness when you see a father taking his daughter to the men's restroom, and same when you see a mother take  her son to the women's restroom! 

But most people are understanding if that child is about preschool aged!

But older than that, not so much! Even though some mothers are nervous about even a 11-year old use the men's restroom alone due to fear of sexual predators!

But it's not just parents with young children!

It's also adults taking their elderly parents out in public!

Imagine being a man with a mother who is now stuck in a wheelchair and not able to take care of bodily functions alone!

Imagine being a woman with a father in the same condition!

Lots of akwardness in public restrooms in such situations.

It is all those situations why I think all buildings should have at least one single-stall restroom be gender-neutral restrooms!  On every floor!

Yes, we can lock those restrooms from the inside for privacy so that

  • transgendered or intersex person can use the restroom in peace
  • parents can help their under-aged or disabled children use the restroom
  • adult caregivers can help their disabled parents/grandparents/aunties/uncles, etc use the restroom

Yes, we can still have boys-only and girls-only restrooms!

But let's also add  gender-neutral single-stall restrooms in every building!


PS: During my time as a graduate student at UH-Manoa, I was in the Graduate Student Organization (GSO) and we voted in  a resolution to turn all single-stall restrooms on campus into gender-neutral restrooms.  That was in September 2015!

Here's the GSO resolution on gender-neutral restrooms