Monday, April 17, 2017

In memory of Auntie Bernie

On Easter morning, I have learned that my mother's best friend Bernie has passed away. Though she was not related by blood, she was a part of our family as she came to a lot of family gatherings. We had many conversations, but the funnest ones revolved around UH football, as we attended a few games, and she loved to jokingly talk trash about the team's opponents.

The last few years were a lot more serious as Bernie suffered from dementia. She literally lost control of her mind as she could no longer remember things. She could no longer take care of herself. Her daughter had to make sacrifices to take care of her.

So in this Easter morning, Bernie died in her granddaughter's arms. My mother visited Bernie's family this morning before coming to our family's Easter gathering. While my mother lost her best friend, she also acknowledge that Bernie is no longer suffering on Earth and is now in a better place.


(note: I wrote about Bernie's situation (without mentioning her name) in a blog post written after Easter 2 years ago.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Read viewpoints that you hate

My facebook post in response to the New York Times opinion article "Why You Should Read Books You Hate"

Some Fake Justice Warriors claim that restricting freedom of speech will help the fragile psyches of minorities. Bullcrap! If you're not dedicated to hearing and reading viewpoints that you hate, then you are truly dedicated to having a weak fragile mind! Just like how challenging exercises can make you physically stronger, reading stuff with viewpoints you hate will make you mentally tough!

In the library profession, you are EXPECTED to add books with viewpoints you hate into the library's collection! This is something that is super-mega-emphasized to students who major in Library & Information Science (LIS) because the profession is about providing access to a variety of viewpoints.

So to the Fake Justice Warriors who think they are helping me by restricting hurtful speech, BACK OFF, we got this!