Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Newsweek and Inaccuracy

If you own a media outlet, and you're against the war on Iraq, how far would go to destroy the war effort?

Would you tell half-truths? Would bring up rumors and unproven conspiracy theories? Would you bring up unsubstantiated events?

Would you do this even if provokes violence?

Newsweek reports said that a US prison guard at Guantanamo Bay (where captured Al Quaida terrorists are held) threw a Koran (also spelled Quaran, the holy book of Islam) down the toilet.

Now - same sentence without the parentheses. Newsweek reports said that a US prison guard at Guantanamo Bay threw a Koran down the toilet.

There was ZERO evidence. The man who told the reporter about it, didn't see it happen! It was a rumor he heard.

If I heard a rumor like that, I'd be careful before printing it. Especially when Islamic fanatics are VERY VIOLENT.

The accusations inspired a riot in several Islamic nations, including Afghanistan and Pakistan.

It can inspire an apolitical young male in Islamic lands far from Iraq to want to join a terrorist organization.

The Left always whine that anything America does makes the Islamic fanatics hate America. Yet, a leftist reporter at Newsweek reported a rumor as fact, a rumor that can make Islamic fanatics hate America more.

It's bad enough when media reports on rumors on celebrities. But rumors on US government officials throwing a holy book into a toilet is A MILLION TIMES WORSE.

This is also a good reminder on how to conduct one's personal life as well.

I used to be one of those who found it entertaining to tell others "so and so said this about you". That was until someone told me "so and so said this" about me. Then I wanted violent revenge.

This is why I dont go telling people what others said about them. Someone can get killed over something like that. It can mean someone committing suicide or homicide. It can turn a peaceful man into a violent man of vengance.

So if someone talks negative about a friend, I wont mention it. If someone talks negative about me, DONT MENTION IT TO ME. I DONT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT. (Just think of the Mario Winans "I Dont Want to Know")