Monday, March 21, 2022

I'll keep my mask on a little while longer

 A few days ago, I posted the video "I'll keep my mask on a little while longer" on YouTube                           

Even as the mask mandates are being lifted, I'll keep my mask on a little while longer. It's too early to act as if the pandemic is over. Where I'm at the time of this video (Hawaii, March 2022), there is a decline of cases, but there's an increase of cases in Europe and China. What happens there eventually comes here. Also, I have a right to self-defense and the surgical mask provides some level of protection against viruses. This is especially crucial when there's a cycle of a surge occurring after every decline. To all the covidiots who kept yelling "I have rights to not wear a mask", I'll say "if you want me to respect your rights to not wear a mask, respect MY RIGHT to wear a mask". Too many covidiots kept yelling for their rights but don't respect other people's rights. Also, check out my classic video from last year

"Take the Coronavirus Crisis Seriously, DAMMIT!"
