Monday, October 08, 2012

Last Day to register to vote in Hawaii

And if you are still ungrateful for the chance to vote, hear this from Charles Djou

My service in Afghanistan taught me a number of simple truths. One of which is the importance of voting.

While in Afghanistan, I was honored to have met and worked with the local district governor in my brigade's area of operations. I recall listening to the governor, through a translator, explain to me that for over a 1,000 years power in his country was wielded by, and for the exclusive benefit of, whomever held the most weapons. Caring for families, living conditions, or children's education, was irrelevant.

The simple, but powerful concept that individuals can vote to select their government has changed that approach in Afghanistan. I did not, however, have the heart to share with the Afghan governor that in my home state, less than 40% of those people eligible to vote actually vote.

As Americans, we are blessed with amazing rights and privileges by mere virtue of living in the United States. Please take a moment this weekend to find at least one person you know and get them registered and get them to vote.

AMEN to that!

If you are eligible to vote and you don't vote, please do us a favor and start trading places with someone who lives in a real dictatorship. They would love to trade places with you!

And if you're going to whine "I don't have time to vote" then please DO NOT BE ONE OF THOSE who stand for hours in mega-long lines for Black Friday shopping!

Because, then you show what screwed up priorities you got!