Monday, October 17, 2005

I Lived a Quarter Century

This past Saturday, I became 25 years old.

1) I didn't have time to update this blog that day (I use the public library computers to surf the Internet), but I did have an adventurous day.

In the morning, I had breakfast with my parents and grandmother at Kam Bowl's in Kalihi (they got the best fried rice & scrambled eggs). That is my birthday tradition to eat over there.

Later, in the noon/afternoon time, I did my usual weekend duties of laundry and cleaning.

In the evening time, me and a few friends were at Eastside Grill to watch a UH football game. Though it's always better to watch a game at the stadium, I preferred to save $$$ and watch it a bar. It's a fun social thing, and you don't have to get drunk. I just drank 7up & water.

2) I'm 25 already? Damn I feel old! (though someone said to me that day that I'm still a young guy).

The reason I say I'm getting old is that now I feel like a full-on adult. Though I have been legally an adult for 7 years, I wasn't always feeling that way. I never felt like a full-0n adult when I was in college, but I do now.

The reason is now, I have to work and support myself. I'm not attending school anymore, though I do work at the schools. And now I gotta be a mature adult.

To good thing about being a full-on adult is that now, there's no real pressure to be a part of a clique! Now, there's no pressure for me to always hang out with friends or else others think I got none. It's always strange that just because I'm not around a friend 24/7, I got accused by some of not having friends. If those folks even paid attention, they would know with whom and where I hung out.

As a full-on adult, there's less flight-or-fight pressure. As a teenager, if you don't lash out in anger, you're considered a wimp or a pussy! So what do you in tough situations? Lash out in anger. Which I have done! And I would be pissed off if my friends dont back me up in a fight!
In one case, a former friend (profiled in the 9/29/05 post) told me that someone said false things behind my back. Of course, I wanted to fight that rumor-spreader. Problem is, that "friend" didn't want to back me up in a fight! I considered that "friend" a coward.

However, I handle things different. When I was working at Palama Settlement this past summer, there were tense situations. In one case, a woman was pissed at me for disciplining her nephew. In another case, a co-worker (who only got hired because someone else quit) was being bossy and rude. In those situations, I told my supervisors about how those folks been acting. It's better to tell the supervisors about it instead of lashing out at that "irate auntie" and bossy co-worker. You can't be a doormat (wimp) but you can't lash out in anger, so you gotta find the middle ground - being calm but stern! That is something I have learned from my supervisors at Palama Settlement, and something I wish I've learned earlier in life!

Going back to that rumor-spreader in high school, I have learned that you shouldn't go telling people "so and so said this about you!" If you hear someone saying negative stuff about me, DONT TELL ME ABOUT IT! And I wont tell you if someone said negative stuff about you! I'm an adult and I dont need to spread bad vibes.

The problem with being an adult is that you have even less time to hang out with friends. Every one my age is busy working and taking care of their own children. They don't have time to call or hang out! Even to invite friends to a party is a pain in the ass nowadays, since everyone is so busy with their own lives. (though in one case, one friend was too sick to attend my birthday party)

Also, being 25 and a full-on adult, that means childhood, adolescence and young adult hood is over. That means all the good memories are just memories, and there's things I've wished I have done, but didn't have time to do them. I remember feeling like 4 years of high school was too short! When I graduated from McKinley High School [Tiger Pride :)] , I wanted another year, so I can do stuff I didn't get a chance to do in the 4 years!

However, now that I work in the schools, I get a chance to enjoy life in school again. I get to enjoy observing kids doing fun stuff and making jokes.

However, my role is changed.

Good news is that I got authority! The kids have to listen to me! I am the star of the classroom!

And I dont have to fit-in a clique nor get involved in some immature nonsense!

However, I am held responsible if the kids get hurt! I have be on full-alert at all times!

And when kids act up, I can't be a wimp, but I can't lash out either. I got to be calm & stern! That's easier said than done. But it must be done!