Sunday, April 09, 2017

Stop the Slut Shaming

Just the other night, I saw this video with Cardi B, an emerging female hip-hop artist talking about gender double standards

My favorite part is when noticed the hypocrisy of people who hate on her for her stripper past when those same people admire rappers who sold drugs in the past (who also happen to be the same rappers who have strippers in their videos).

Drug dealing is much worse than being a stripper or a prostitute. Drug dealing is selling literal poisons that have a direct negative effect on your psychological & physical health.

Stripping does none of that to its customers! Prostitution does come with risk of STDs, but it doesn't ruin families the way alcohol and drugs do. 

Even if you sold drugs in the past, I'm more interested that you're now doing something positive.

In previous blog posts, I do say that going to strip clubs (as well as hostess bars and watching porn) is a waste of money and time!

I think it's much more productive to party at regular nightclubs (where you dance with others for free) than the spend $$$ on strippers/hookers. 

But I don't hold that against the strippers/hookers at all!

They're just trying to pay their bills, just like everybody else!

People go to where the money is!

The world is run on incentives!

So I can't hate on a woman who needs to pay the bills (which include taking care of children, paying for school, etc) by doing something that can bring the money!

But still, I do encourage men to save that $$$$ (yeah, I know, sounds like that song with Lil Dicky & Fetty Wap)

If men stop spending $$$ on strippers/hookers, then that $$$ would be spent on other things that could give opportunities for the same women to make $$$ doing something else instead. The world is run on incentives.


Same thing with drugs, alcohol and tobacco! I encourage people to live a drug-free, alcohol-free and tobacco-free lifestyle!

But I don't spend too much time hating on people whose job requires selling alcohol, drugs or tobacco. Those people are just trying to pay their bills. 

But if people stop spending $$$ on alcohol/tobacco/drugs, then then that $$$ would be spent on other things that could give opportunities for the same people to make $$$ doing something else instead. The world is run on incentives.


But going back to strippers in videos and the hatred directed against them!

Men who hate and call them"whores", those men are infected by their fake toughness and real insecurities and real fragile egos!

Only men with fake toughness and real insecurities and real fragile egos will be angry at women for expressing their sexuality!

And for those women who share that hatred, they also have real insecurity issues!

I know some men who dated them might have negative experiences (ie. custody battles, rude behavior), those things have NOTHING to do with the women being a stripper (or sex worker or a hoochie or whatevers). Women who don't fit those profiles also have caused problems for their boyfriends/husbands/etc.


This hatred towards women for expressing their sexuality through dance, clothing, occupation, or their real or alleged sexual behavior has been defined as "slut shaming"

Other definitions of slut shaming

"Aplying derogatory words towards a person based on their behvior, sexual promiscuity, their clothing preferences, and or how many peo4ple they date."

From the No Bullying website

Slut shaming is the act of making a girl or a woman feel guilty about certain sexual behaviors that deviate from societal norms. Slut shaming includes women who wear provocative clothes, women who showcase promiscuous sexual behavior, women who have casual sex or premarital sex, women who request access to birth control and women who have an abortion. Feminist researchers present the case as “drawing a line” for women to be “sexual, but not too sexual.”

Slut shaming starts as mere girl-on-girl gossip, then it spreads out. By then the person who had their reputation ruined would have to fight to protect their name. In some cases, the attacked person might even start to believe what is being said about her is true. Through defense mechanisms, the target of the insults and shaming might consequently act out the stereotypical behaviors allocated to a slut, partying hard, drinking and getting involved in unsafe sexual behavior.
Slut shaming doesn’t have to involve the word “slut.” This happens when photos or videos that have been shared romantically with a sexual partner (or a husband) are spread online without consent. This method also aims to destroy the woman and make her feel humiliated and exploited, with the blame being placed on her for taking such provocative photos in the first place. 

And the thing that makes this whole issue more irritating is that while women have been stigmatized for is that men are rewarded for the same thing!

The man who has tons of sexual partners is praised as a stud!

But even worse, a man who date rapes women is rewarded by excuses made for him. A man who date rapes women is rewarded by other people stigmatizing their victims for acting like imperfect people! 

A rapist should never be rewarded by excuses! Not only do rapist need to be arrested but also be publicly humiliated!  Not only lock them up, but have them humiliated on international TV (and YouTube) in the style of Beyond Scared Straight! Because that's exactly what rape does to their victims

But women who express their sexuality in consensual ways SHOULD NEVER BE STIGMATIZED for that reason! 

Slut Shaming is the Act of Lowlife Scum! 

We should embrace women who express their sexuality, but we shouldn't pressure women who aren't interested in doing so!

Let women make their choices!

As Rodney King once stated, "Can't we just get along?"