Thursday, February 16, 2017

Time (not just money) down the drain

2 years ago, I had this blog post titled "Money Down the Drain"

Basically, the blog post saying going to strip clubs is money down the drain

I haven't been there since 2006. This is 2017!  It's a decade already! I don't miss it, and I don't plan on going back!

 i used to go strip clubs in my early 20s, but I stopped because the way it's set up, it's set up to get the customer to spend more than planned since the dancers don't work for free.

It's money down the drain for the customer, but I don't blame the strippers for it, they're just trying to get their bills paid. it's like the phrase "don't hate the player, hate the game"

Of course, nearly every teenage boy dreams of going to a strip club.  I'm like "maybe go a few times in your early 20's to get your curiosity out of your system, but if you're still going in your 30's, then you're a sucker".

I think the same thing about watching porn and going to hostess bars. Money down the drain for chumps! 

Watching porn when you're  in your 30's? Really? Yeah, that's every teenage boy's dream, you may experiment with in your early 20's, but after that............................... get a life! You're a big boy now, live in reality, get off your couch, stop wasting your night looking at a screen, stop wasting your money! 
Go to a real nightclub and dance with some real women instead of just wasting your time watching fantasy!  

If you spend at least a decade dancing with women at a regular nightclub, you develop a memory bank of real life experiences  that no amount of porn can impress you anymore!   Why would it, real life experience will always over-ride watching fantasy!

And stop pouring money and time down the drain at hostess bars! Why waste money to pretend you're a "playa" at a hostess bar when you can go to a real nightclub, develop your dancefloor skills and get women to dance with you for free! 

Some of my former classmate still do those things (strip clubs, porn, hostess bars) and the last time I talked one of them, I told him he'll get much more satisfaction (and less expenses) just going to regular nightclubs and dance with women

And don't tell me "I don't know how to dance" (dammit just do something, anything, when you're on the floor"). 

If the night is right, you might even get a girl willing to "bump & grind",  which isn't that hard, it's free and doesn't cause pregnancies or STDs.

Start living real life! 

Stop wasting your time and stop pouring your money down the drain!

Live the real life! 

Impress people with your personal coolness instead of paying people to pretend they like you! 

You don't have much time in this world! Spend it wisely


PS: I mentioned some of this to one of my female friends on facebook and she stated this

Ha ha true Pablo but I guess alot of men never figure this out so strip clubs are still a boomin business 😁 I've heard some guys say similar things like "Why would I pay to go and get teased and then left hanging? " but then again some ppl probably do like gettting teased etc.

In others, don't pay money to be a sucker!