Saturday, April 15, 2017

White Guilt is NOT the answer

There is nothing to feel guilty about if you did nothing wrong.

However, some minority activists  will not rest until every "white" person feels unearned guilt over stuff other "white" people did, as well as unearned guilt over special privileges they might have.

[note: I put "" around the words "white" and "black" when referring to humans, because  those color-coded terms are relics when most of USA's people were of European and African ancestries]

To these "nonwhite" minority activists, nothing a European-descendant will ever be good enough, because they view them as punching bags for their frustrations and traumas they accumulated over the years.

With all this guilt-peddling, some European-descendants think the way to earn the respect and forgiveness of those angry nonwhite minority activists is to feel "guilty" about being white, and to join the shaming brigade and scold other European-descendants for

  • not having white guilt
  • claiming not to be racist
  • complaining about discriminated (or even physically threatened or even physically attacked) for being "white"

These White Guilt Fanatics think that by doing so, they are earning the respect of the non-whites everyone!


The fanatic nonwhite minority activists will NEVER be satisfied. 

As  for the general population within nonwhite minority communities, we DON'T need you to have "white guilt"

We don't need you to shame other "white" people for lacking white guilt!

And we HATE IT when you claim to do us a "favor" by scolding other "white" people for complaining about discrimination.

In fact MOST  nonwhite people are HEARTBROKEN when "white people" are being discriminated too! 

A lot of us nonwhites have friends (and even FAMILY) who are of European ancestry, and we don't think they should feel unearned guilt over stuff they didn't do!

The Fake Justice Warriors are not well-liked among nonwhites who are outside the college activists circles. 

I mean, I remember Bill Clinton publicly criticized Sista Souljah for her anti-white racism in front of a mostly African-American audience, and .................he still got the majority of African-American votes! He was so popular among African-Americans, he was considered "the 1st black President" until a real African-American got elected in 2008. 

And Barack Obama was a master orator when it comes to racial healing. His speeches helped other people understand the pain that African-Americans go through, but he did it without shaming European-Americans into accepting unearned guilt!

Part of this was because he was raised by the European-American side of his family, so he was able to view European-Americans as humans instead of monsters out to oppress! 

Because Barack Obama was able to see the humanity among European-Americans, he was able to get elected President twice!

However, some nonwhites (especially those who grew up in mostly white environments or attend mostly white universities)  were in no mood for optimism even after both elections.  In fact, some of the radical activists got even nastier than before, shaming European-descendants not only about history, but also for "cultural appropriation", "microaggressions" or for even just existing.  If you're going to keep shaming the entire European-American population like that, HOW DID YOU EXPECT THEM TO REACT?

If justify anti-white hatred like that, why act surprised when they gravitate to a loudmouth con artist politician who "feels their pain"? 

Those Fake Justice Warriors created the conditions that allowed even the most nastiest, vile, spoiled loudmouth to sound appealing!

Those Fake Justice Warriors were so great at making Democrats feel unearned guilt for even questioning them, that Hillary Clinton was unwilling to publicly criticize those activists the same way her husband criticized Sista Souljah.

Yes, I'm aware that Barack Obama criticized political correctness, told audiences they shouldn't avoid uncomfortable opinions and told them to stop looking for things to be offended about. But he wasn't running for president in 2016! People needed to hear that message from someone who was actually running for president in 2016! Hillary Clinton failed to do it!

Whoever the Democrat nominee is in 2020 better be quick to criticize these Fake Justice Warriors at their university campuses. Otherwise, they'll continue to look like wimps while fake tough guy Donald Trump continue to taunt them for their weakness!

The days of White Guilt is over! Fake Justice Warriors had their 15 minutes of fame. Their antics misfired big time!  They're like the TroubleMakers who got knocked out on WorldStar! 


But with Donald Trump as president, some feel the pressure to feel guilty about being white again!

So the White Guilt Activists are out there! 

Some of these White Guilt Activists need to get the  message that their tactics aren't working, and I put them on notice.

On the blogging site, I came across 2 blog posts by White Guilt Activists.

The first was concerned with not enough portrayals of White Racist Women on film/TV!

I do have mixed feelings on that article as I noted here

Good to see that females aren’t immune from inflicting racist terror! I’m tired of people acting as if women are immune from the same sadistic impulses that is present in men.
That said, this article also has some excessive white guilt, something that those with non-white ancestry (which includes some of my ancestries) don’t really need from white allies.
Here’s just one example
[QUOTE] But in the Black-ish episode “Being Bow-racial,” Tracee Ellis Ross’s character Rainbow gets touchy when her son comes home with a white girlfriend. It’s not because she’s being “racist” (eye roll) but because as a brown woman in America, she is well acquainted with the harm that white women are capable of.[UNQUOTE]
In other words, she discriminates against her son’s white girlfriend because she had a bad experience with someone who looks like her son’s white girlfriend.
In other words, she is a racist herself. (I’m using the dictionary definition of “racist” not the politically correct SJW definition)
It’s like the real people I know who become racist because “those people picked on me”. In other words, their racist attitude shows they’re becoming just as bad as the people who picked on them!

another person (who goes by the name of Traditional Tradesmen) noted the White Masochism (another word for White Guilt) in that article

Of course, you have to ask who exactly “we” are. Throughout the article (which gets a recommendation from @MediumStaff, who will seemingly recommend anything that calls out white people and rants about racism), the many alleged crimes and infractions of “white women” are subsumed under that tricky pronoun — “we” — as though “white women” were a corporation, WhiteWomen Inc., which, by law, retains its identity and its rights, responsibilities and liabilities even if every single shareholder changes over time. “We” are responsible for the historical acts of WhiteWomen Inc. and of all the white women who’ve ever been shareholders (and especially the worst and most oppressive ones), so that when the innumerable victims of WhiteWomen Inc.’s many infractions finally come out of the woodwork to collect what’s due to them, naturally all white women will need to step up, gleefully bare their butts for a good, hard spanking and get their well-deserved comeuppance. This is true even if many (read: virtually all) of the white women who are now part of WhiteWomen Inc. are perfectly good people who’ve never oppressed anyone or are young women just growing into adulthood and with no possible complicity in any historical anything or, for that matter, immigrants to the U.S. who had nothing to do with any historical oppressions that may have happened on these shores. It doesn’t matter who you are as an individual; it only matters whether or not you look sufficiently white. Makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?

I responded to Traditional Tradesmen with this

I also notice these types of articles don’t take the following into account 

  • there are European nations that did not conquer a single non-white land (you can start with Switzerland, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Ireland, Latvia, Estonia,the list goes on). And yet their descendants are expected to feel unearned guilt over what the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and Belgians did a long time ago! 

  • There were MANY non-white tribes and nations that violently conquered other tribes/nations (you can start with the Japanese, Turks, Aztecs, Zulus, Incas, Arabs, Mongols, the list goes on), but none of their descendants are expected to feel unearned guilt for what their ancestors did!
Also this [QUOTE] As this article explains, lumping people together into groups like this actually leads to decreased empathy and increased racial (and, hence, racistthinking)[UNQUOTE] 

That’s exactly what led to people sympathizing with Donald Trump because “he stands up to political correctness”. When people are shamed for having the “wrong ancestors”, how did you expect them to react? SJWs think their rhetoric encourages whites to be more sympathetic, but the results are in, and it backfired. Donald Trump knew this and took advantage of that! Sometimes I wonder if those so-called SJWs were paid by Donald Trump as a foil! 

Now, I have zero sympathy for the Deplorables, but the reality is that the SJWs and Deplorables feed off each other! It’s like they need each other to exist! 

Look, I’m a person with some non-white ancestry with a strong dislike of Donald Trump and his Deplorables. But the SJWs need to stop peddling White Guilt because that stuff backfires big time! Start treating people as individuals (even if they’re white) and that will reduce the appeal of Donald Trump


Now for the other "White Guilt" article on Medium, this one by "diversity speaker" Rosalind Wiseman

In that article, a woman asked Rosalind Wiseman this question

My 16-year-old son is an open-minded person who sees people for what they do, not what they look like. I’m proud of his acceptance of people who are different than him. He’s politically savvy and we’ve had many discussions about the election. Out of the blue the other day he said that he feels hated because he is a white male. He doesn’t want to be defensive but it’s hard to know what to tell him when so many seem to be against the demographic that he fits into. I’m sure he’s not alone in feeling this way. Any thoughts?

Basically, Rosalind Wiseman replied by saying "None of us are entirely open-minded" and accused that woman of sugarcoating her son's natural tendency toward racial bias just because he's white!

Well guess what Rosalind Wiseman? Your White Guilt cliches got owned BIG TIME, so owned that it was the target of the BIGGEST ONLINE ARGUMENT OWNERSHIP IN ALL OF HISTORY!

This from Svetlana Voreskava

(note: I added colors and made some fonts bigger, but all the words are quoted exactly)

“None of us are entirely open-minded.”
Maybe you should try speaking for yourself and do not be so arrogant as to presume you can claim to know the mind-set of everybody else, based entirely on your own prejudices and whatever new-age politically correct mumbo-jumbo you were force fed in college.
“It’s like when people say, “I don’t see colour” or “I don’t have a racist bone in my body.” Not possible.”
Yes it is quite possible. Maybe you have just never lived amongst a muti-ethnic population. The only thing I know about you is that you have the arrogance to think you understand what is or is not possible for other people. Here is a clue. Just because something is not possible for you, doesn’t mean it’s not possible for people who may be a little more grown up than you. You have the right to keep turning people into walking caricatures in your own mind if you want to. But stop assuming that everyone else has such a narrow view of the world.
“People only say that if they don’t know how racism and bigotry work.”
Do they really? And I suppose racism is defined as whatever pompous virtue-signalling “educators” like you decide it must be.
Here is the pretty much universally accepted definition of racism. It is what the vast majority of people understand racism to be and most people know full well exactly what it is and how it works.
Racism: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of one race over another.
“We have all been raised to judge people based on race”
If you were raised like that then you have my sympathy. Most people I know were raised in completely the opposite view.
“We are creating a reinforcing cycle; the more we cling to the belief that we are free of bias, the more defensive, blind, and deaf we are to our biases.”
This is classic ideological brainwashing which has been used to demonise a particular group for thousands of years. The major religions used in the form of the concept of “original sin.” We are all inherently guilty even if we have never done anything wrong. The only way to be forgiven our sins is to confess, over and over again. Self-flagellating is the only path to salvation. The Inquisition were masters of it. The Marxists were too. The great purges included festivals of innocent people, confessing their guilt in order to be seen as “good communists” after all.
Most of all refusing to agree that you are guilty (because you aren’t) is all the proof needed that you are indeed guilty. Kind of like a witch trial really. That seems to be the concept you’re running with.
Shame on you and your ilk for infecting the education system with it: This garbage is not education. It is indoctrination and young students of all colours deserve better than this bigoted nonsense.
“I’m sure it’s annoying for him to experience people making negative assumptions about him because he is a white male. But it’s also time for him to grow up.”
Oh my: You have been drinking this cool-aid for so long you would even poison your own son with it! Time for him to grow up you say? He should just turn the other cheek because black people have to deal with it too.
That was another feature of communist doctrine: They would agree with your suggestion that two wrongs do make a right.
“For example, black women put up with people’s negative assumptions about them on a regular basis.”
I am sure they do. Black men do too. So do white men; as evidenced by your little screed. Then again at least there don’t seem to be many people actually making a living from making negative assumptions about black people.
But I can assure you that absolutely everybody has to put up with people making negative assumptions about them, as your son has. But you dismiss it when it happens to him, and cast it as a serious offence when it happens to someone else. I am pretty sure that is not how you do mothering and I am positive that is not how you do education.
But I am confused again over your constant portrayal of white boys as the perpetrators of racism and black girls as the victims. Have you been drinking the feminist cool-aid too? Did you just get the whole package deal on bigotry? Are white girls not included and do black boys also not suffer from racism? White boys obviously do too, as your son has made clear.
“It’s exhausting choosing which battles to fight and how to fight them — without being stereotyped as an “angry black woman.”
How would you know that Rosalind? You look pretty white to me. Lots of things are exhausting to lots of people. How about the far more widely cast refrain of “angry white men” or “white privilege” or “fearful white men?” How many disparaging stereotypes can you apply to a particular group of people in one page Rosalind? Because I think you just won that competition.
And if you read your own article carefully you will find that it is your position that two wrongs make a right?
“I’ve had several teen boys say recently that they just wished people would stop talking about race and that if we did, it would stop racism from happening.”
Some unusual wisdom from teen boys: I heard the same point being made very eloquently by American actor Morgan Freeman too.
“It’s an illogical argument :”
No it isn’t. It is a very sensible argument. Racism dissipates when people stop looking for excuses to see it everywhere. First it becomes a joke and then it simply evaporates. That is why toddlers are not racist. Because they don’t even know what it is:
“The people who experience racism and discrimination have no choice but to think about it and talk about it because it’s part of their everyday experience. It’s only people who are not discriminated against that believe this argument makes sense because they can convince themselves that the problem doesn’t exist.”
The people who are discriminated and routinely castigated in America today are primarily white males. Just so you know. It is also illegal to discriminate against anybody in the US except for white males under certain circumstances. Just so you know.
Example: You have repeatedly blanket-insulted “white-boys” in this article while raging against racism without a hint of irony. Try insulting “black boys” as a group and see how long it takes you to get banned.
“But their response is motivated by fear — fear of not knowing how to be with people who have a different life experience”
No it isn’t. It is motivated by boredom; by irritation; by a simple desire not to want to be around toxic judgemental people who feel the need to make everything about race.
“Yes, I’m male and white but I’m also a lot of other things.”
Oh Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa: Should the “white boy” throw himself at the feet of the noble “POC” while rolling out his self-esteem and dignity to be stamped on?
“He also need to challenge himself.”
No he doesn’t. He is not “privileged” (whatever you think that means) he actually has less societal privilege in many ways than minorities and he certainly has far less societal privilege than his female peers. If you didn’t know that then drop me a note and I will be happy to educate you on the subject.
He doesn’t owe anybody else anything. What he really should do is find himself a better school; one that is not full of “educators” like you. He deserves better than to be surrounded by nasty little bigots constantly judging him as somehow inherently dysfunctional because of his sex and his skin colour.
Have you looked up “bigotry” yet because it is obvious you don’t know what it means?
But I suspect that you do know what it means but you do it anyway. You do it because racism, like sexism; is a billion dollar industry and there are too many foundations and think-tanks and “charitable” organisations from the grass-roots to the highest levels of governments that depend on it being an epidemic, even when it clearly isn’t; and there is all that lovely funding to be had. So let’s get busy and find racism under every stone, in every tree and in every misunderstood sentence.
And if we have to poison the minds of our young students and divide them like they haven’t been divided in decades, then so be it: It is our bread and butter after all. It is in our interests to manufacture as much of what we claim to be fighting as possible so we can continue to fight it, while feeling terribly morally superior of course.
We will damage the futures of white kids by teaching them that they need to be constantly diagnosing themselves as problematic. We will damage the futures of black kids by teaching them that they perpetual victims, destined to be held back by a systemically racist system. We will indoctrinate them with these self-fulfilling prophecies because well — racism is our bread and butter.
You are damaging the self-esteem of white kids and dis-empowering black kids.
You want to stop racism and do some good for both black kids and white kids — stop telling white boys that they have some duty to “shoulder the white man’s burden” and stop telling black kids that the world owes them something.

That was some classic ownership right there! I don't think I can top THAT!  It’s like watching a trouble maker get beaten down on WorldStar!

But I'll add some of my words in the mix anyways.

Rosalind Wiseman, I have multiple ethnicities, some of them heavily stigmatized by Trump’s deplorables, I DO NOT EVER WANT YOUR TYPE OF HELP! EVER!
I am so sick and disgusted by your white guilt, that I RATHER HAVE ALLIES like that teen boy you stigmatized than to have you as my ally!
I am SEVERELY DISGUSTED by your BS virtue signaling by claiming white boys can’t be open-minded and anti-racists! YES, THEY CAN! What you think that virtue signaling will appease the anti-white bigots in the non-white community from hating on you? It’s not! No amount of BS “understanding” and virtue signaling will ever appease them!

and also this

and your comment [QUOTE]None of us are entirely open-minded [UNQUOTE] is as stupid as saying “none of us is entirely not guilty of murder”, um, most of us are!

and your statement [QUOTE] But it’s also time for him to grow up.[UNQUOTE] just because a white boy doesn’t want to be stereotyped? Do you say to the Japanese or the Turks, because anyone who learns history know those 2 groups committed mass atrocities and still practice massive discrimination in their homelands. Same with the Aztecs too. I’m part-Mexican, my dad is native of Oaxaca (so not Aztec territory) and don’t EVER ask people from that area to consider Aztecs totally guiltless, EVER!
[note: I would've rewritten that paragraph noting that Aztecs did commit atrocities against other tribes, but their descendants not practicing massive discrimination like the Turks and Japanese STILL DO in their home countries]

Me, I’m from Hawaii, where Asians are in positions of great power (governor, legislature, US Senators and the majority of the education system) so I know what it’s like to feel left out when I’m around them, BUT STILL, I wouldn’t tell them “you need to grow up if you complain about being discriminated”. It wasn’t that long ago when they were heavily discriminated in Hawaii, just like it wasn’t that long ago when the Irish were discriminated in New York.

Your social justice virtue signaling is way overly simplified, that even someone like me (who wouldn’t be welcomed by much of Trump’s deplorables) give heavy eyerolls to the way your Medium article severely over-simplifies the issue!

So please, watch my YouTube channel (especially the “Different Types of Privilege” series) and read my blogs. It shows race relations as much more complex than what the Deplorables or the Fake Justice Warriors make it out to be!

and to check out my "Different Types of Privilege" video series