Wednesday, April 12, 2017

LIS management "genius" learns students won't be silenced

This is another follow-up to these blog posts

AS well as the following videos

Those blog posts are in regards to the professors in UH-Manoa's Library & Information Science (LIS) program as well as Hawaii State Library internship supervisor.

Last week, I had a blog post with my email letter to Dr Noriko Asato (aka professional victim professor) about the way she mishandled my internship situation at Hawaii State Library.

And this edition, I will post the email letter I sent to  LIS Chairperson Dr Rich Gazan (who was previously profiled in

Here is the email letter to Dr Rich Gazan

Aloha Dr  Rich Gazan,

You might remember those posters taped to the LIS windows?  I know who put them up there!

While I have long recommended that students take your database class and I would've love to take more of your information science courses, your management "expertise" deserves public criticism. 

You may be the instructor in library management, but the way you handled my situation with my internship is severely horrible, as your supervisor understood all too well! You got over-ruled and you deserved it! You got undermined. But why?

Because you had the nerve to defend Noriko Asato's scumbag tactics of demanding me to remain silent about the way I was treated at my internship at the Hawaii State Library. You went along with her lies about "feeling afraid" of my emails to her, emails that only expressed disagreement, emails that didn't have profanity and didn't have any threats at all! You didn't try to solve the problems, you tried to make me submissive to you and Noriko Asato! That type of crap doesn't last forever! It couldn't even last the whole semester as you got over-ruled by your supervisor.

I was the one who wanted to negotiate a solution with the leadership at the Hawaii State Library. If you went along with that idea, none of the critical blogs or videos I made would've existed.  I have previous wrote letters to supervisor's supervisors MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE PAST, and they actually helped negotiate a solution that I was happy with. It is sad that the LIS management instructor and internship coordinator didn't see the benefits of my ideas.  

But that's just scratching the surface. 


Dr Rich Gazan, you told me that I  shouldn't be writing letters to the internship supervisors by stating that those letters are  "giving them and their lawyers ammunition against you." 

By telling that I shouldn't write letters of complaints because lawyers will use that as ammunition,  you are telling me that you are the type of person that would tell a rape victim to be silent about his/her experiences.

By telling that I shouldn't write letters of complaints because lawyers will use that as ammunition,  you are telling me  that you are the type of person that would tell MLK, Susan Anthony and other civil rights leader to shut up and accept discrimination.

By telling that I shouldn't write letters of complaints because lawyers will use that as ammunition, you are telling me people should accept psychological damage that comes with suffering in silence.


You asked me in that meeting, who would the HSL director believe, me or the supervisor, as if I didn't think about that before writing!  OF COURSE I THOUGHT ABOUT IT! 

By implying that I should remain silent because I'm less likely to be believed,  you are telling me that you are the type of person that would tell a rape victim to be silent about his/her experiences because he/she would be less likely to be believed!

By implying that I should remain silent because I'm less likely to be believed,  you are telling that you are the type of person that would tell MLK, Susan Anthony and other civil rights leader to shut up and accept discrimination because you won't be believed. 

By implying that I should remain silent because I'm less likely to be believed, you are telling people should accept psychological damage that comes with suffering in silence because I won't be believed!

You told me that by writing letters to my internship supervisor's supervisors, that I am ruining careers. In other words, I should be a total kiss ass and suffer in silence.  In other words, you are 100% equivalent to a gangster telling victims and witnesses to "stop snitching". 

By telling me that I shouldn't snitch on my supervisor, you are telling me that you are the type of person that would tell a rape victim to be silent about his/her experiences.

By telling me that I shouldn't snitch on my supervisor,  you are telling that you are the type of person that would tell MLK, Susan Anthony and other civil rights leader to shut up and accept discrimination.

By telling me that I shouldn't snitch on my supervisor, you are telling people should accept psychological damage that comes with suffering in silence.


That was bad enough, but you made it even worse.

You magnified the problem when you asked me to sign a statement to withdraw my complaints with HSPLS! Did you really think that would end the problem? Really?    Only a severe dumbass wouldn't know that magnify the problems. It is that statement that inspired me to write critical blog posts and videos about you! 

By asking me to sign a statement to withdraw my complaints with HSPLS, you are telling that you are the type of person that would tell a rape victim to be silent about his/her experiences.

By asking me to sign a statement to withdraw my complaints with HSPLS, you are telling that you are the type of person that would tell MLK, Susan Anthony and other civil rights leader to shut up and accept discrimination.

EVERY SINGLE TIME I read an article, or watch a documentary when it was mentioned that a victim of rape, bullying or discrimination is asked to remain silent about  what happened, my memory flashes back to you asking me to sign a statement to withdraw complaint, my memory flashes back to you telling me that writing letters is going to be used as ammunition against me, my memory flashes back to you telling me I shouldn't be writing letters because I wouldn't be believed or that I'm "ruining careers"

And if you're going tell me that I shouldn't compare my situation to rape or discrimination, then you're missing my point! My point is that if you tell me to be silent about my situation, then you are definitely the type to tell people to be silent about situations worse than mine! 


When I mentioned all this to the university psychologist, he was horrified by  all the thing you and Noriko Asato said to me! I showed him all my emails! He was still horrified by you!

So, how are you more correct than a trained psychologist?


In my previous emails to Noriko Asato, I compared Western cultures and Asian cultures. My #1 regret in those emails is that I forgot to mention Hawaiian culture, the host culture of where we are!

In Hawaiian culture, there is ho'oponopono, This when different sides come together to discuss the problems and we come to a resolution. This was exactly what I was asking for when I requested to meet with HSL branch manager. That you refused to go along with the idea is a severe disrespect to the Native Hawaiian culture and the spirit of ho'oponopono!  

You are ineffective in solving problems, you only want to sweep problems under the rug! The problem is that is that it would be exposed in online forums where people will read about your psychologically dangerous ways. One of your former students thanked me for making a video publicly criticizing you and she felt guilty for being silent about the way you treated her! 

This was some of her words  expressed on facebook

A very important video from my friend and colleague, fellow information professional Pablo Wegesend. I'm very happy he posted this, because I too have had issues with this program and with the people he mentions in here on many occasions, and as a result I've felt incapable of pursuing a career in the LIS field...this is a very real issue that I think needs to be addressed, not just for us but for everyone who feels that they are being misguided. So, I hope that I can reach as many people as possible with this, and I feel bad that I never really stepped up like this, so thank you Pablo for posting this.

and this's made me feel bad, like I should have spoken up more when I was having issues with them while I was with LIS.

and this

Anyways, I'm going to end my rant there, but yeah, I probably should have spoken out about  a lot of things, but since I'm 3 years removed from the program I don't really think it's that relevant anymore....but anything you have to say about LIS, I'll definitely be there to back you up buddy!!

You think you're slick because you treat students like that and having them feel guilty about not having the guts to speak out against you and Noriko Asato like I did?  Because now I know that I'm not the only one you mistreated!

I also know that you indirectly allowed Dr Irvin to discriminate against an elderly student with a disability. I know that the Kokua Program has investigated the LIS Program. I also know that a national organization that deals with disability issues has also investigated the way you allowed the situation to happen!

What, you thought that elderly woman with disability  would remain silent about how Dr Irvin & you treated her?  

[note: "Dr Irvin" refers to Dr. Vanessa Irvin, another LIS professor. According to multiple students (including the victim), Dr Irvin discriminated against an elderly student with disability in multiple ways including the refusal of accommodations, humiliation in front of the whole class, and implying that the student is too old and this major is for the younger students. If I had more details on this, I would make a separate blog post on this issue. Being that I don't want to trigger more sad emotions to the victim, I haven't pressed for additional details for a blog post on this issue.]

In this era, people don't remain silent about being pressured into silence. Those days are over and will never appear again! You are an information scientist, you're supposed to know that! An information scientist is supposed to know that telling people to suffer in silence will only backfire in an era of social media, blogs, and viral videos!


Please understand that when the ALA accreditation team met with the LIS students, they didn't ask a single question about the internship program. I was mentally prepared to loudly denounce my situation in front of everyone.


So yeah, people might view those posters as "passive-agressive" and "childish". But you know what, I can hold it in for only so long!  I will never remain silent. I will never again wait to express to you how much pain you put me through! 

My main regret is not sending you this message earlier. 

The best thing you can do is to apologize using your organization's letterhead. Apologize for the way you treated me! Apologize for telling me to be silent because I wouldn't be believed. Apologize for telling me to be silent because lawyers might use verbal ammunition against me.  Apologize for not using the ho'oponopono practices that could've solved my dispute with HSL!

Just know that this entire email can be posted in a public forum whenever I feel like making it public.

If there is no response from you, then this will be my last message to you  on this issue.  But if there is a response from you, please understand that any responses from you, positive or negative, will be made public in multiple ways, in any way I choose. 


Pablo Wegesend

It hasn't yet been 24 hours since I sent the email, so I have to yet to see a response. As noted in the last paragraph, I will post details and evidence of his response if it happens.

Anyways, here's some memes I made about the situation

(note: I own the copyright to these photographs, and the annotations were added using Jing)

So, is this how you want to be known?