Saturday, July 22, 2017

You Can't Evade the Fact that Laws Are Enforced by Violence

A few days ago, I had a blog post about my debate with a Phony Pacifist who laughed at the idea that her proposed ban on plastic bags/bottles could be enforced by violence!

She thinks that fines are nonviolent punishments!

But the whole point of having laws is intimidation. It is to scare people into submission.

But what about those who refuse to submit!

Do those who refuse to submit to laws against relatively minor things be at risk for getting beaten and killed by police?

Look, you can talk about how we can train police to not be brutal, but in the heat of the moment, you don't have much time to reflect. You take action and reflect later! 

Conservatives want laws against drugs, because "drugs are bad".  Of course drugs have side effects.  But how far will go police go to enforce laws against drugs? How far will go against those who refuse to comply?

In one example, in Germany, a man alleged to have drugs ran off when the police came. He got shot in the head and died!

That's what happens when you have laws. People will defy those laws, and people who defy those laws will face violent force by police.

Cigarettes are technically legal, but only if the sellers submit to very high taxes. People don't want to pay high taxes, so they buy from  sellers who sell for cheap. People who are desperate for money will get involved in selling cigarettes.  One of those sellers was Eric Garner.

New York police are pressured to enforce laws against "unlicensed cigarettes". Eric Garner defended his right to sell items to consenting adults.  So when you are pressured to enforce laws against selling unlicensed cigarettes, and the person refuse to submit..................police violence happens. Police surrounded Eric Garner (who is bigger than your average person, but WASN'T THREATENING VIOLENCE AGAINST ANYONE) and used a chokehold on him.  He died!

The people who wanted those laws against drugs and cigarettes might not have wanted people to get killed by police because of those laws.

But when you pass a law, you are allowing police to use intimidating tactics against those who refuse to comply. When people refuse to comply, the police WILL use any means necessary to get that person to comply! When I mean "any means", I mean ........."any means".  Punches, kicks, batons, pepper spray, chokeholds, tasers, even bullets!

It doesn't matter if the police aren't allowed to use certain tactics.

 They will use those tactics because they are not immune to having trouble controlling their anger! 

They will use those tactics because they don't want to be seen as wusses! 

They will use those tactics because they don't want to "waste" time arguing or pleading with those who refuse to comply! 

They will use those tactics because they think "I'm police, the jury will find me Not Guilty no matter what I do"

They will use those tactics because "f---- you, because I can" 

 If the police will shoot a person who refuse to comply with drug bans


If the police will put a chokehold on somebody who refuse to comply with laws selling unlicensed cigarrettes

What exactly will stop the police from using brutal tactics against somebody who refuse to comply with laws against plastic bags or plastic bottles?

Asking such questions isn't about having a "plastic fetish"?

Asking such question is being realistic about what laws are, and how they are really enforced!

The Phony Pacifist can evade all those question by using "LOL" and words like "plastic fetish", but that just goes to show that she refuse to admit that she wants people to be intimidated into stopping the use plastic.

That's why she blocked me on facebook!

I asked the tough questions and refuse to back down when confronted by words like "LOL" and "plastic fetish"

I correctly point out that laws are enforced by violent intimidation!

I correctly point out that fines are money that people must pay OR ELSE the government will use force to anyone who refuses to pay!

I would have at least have more respect for Phony Pacifist if she admits that she wants police to use force against those who use plastic bags.

After all, many conservatives are OPENLY APPROVING of police using brutal force against those who use or sell drugs!

But many left-wingers are two-faced in that they protest police brutality, but want laws enforced against plastic items.

No amount of "LOL" or "plastic fetish" slurs will erase the fact that those laws allow for physical intimidation against those who use plastic bags or plastic bottles.

Phony Pacifist understands that, so she blocked me on facebook!

  Too Much Reality for her to handle!