Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Clarifying my beliefs about Laws

No I don't hate all Laws!

Yes, I think some Laws should exist!

I think those who kill, assault, rape or rob innocent people should be arrested, jailed and face some really harsh consequences.

(note:  I'm trying to keep this blog post as "family friendly" as possible,  but I'll just say the harsh consequences will be physically and psychologically punishing).

Those who commit such harsh acts deserve those harsh consequences, because those criminals only seem to understand violence, fear and humiliation.


Some extreme forms of vandalism and burglaries are done as form of intimidation, and therefore do deserve harsh punishments. 

Some minor sins like shoplifting, or use spraying your tag name "for fun" might be deserving of less harsher consequences like picking up litter on a bad weather day! 

Though if someone shoplifts for food out of desperation, we could assist that person while also expect some repayment!


However, bans for holding & using items in a nonviolent manner is just ridiculous!

Also, bans on consensual behavior by adults (ie gambling, sex work, etc) are also ridiculous!

Government has no business sending police to intimidate people doing such things!

Just let the people be!

If you have legit concerns about the nonviolent use of certain items (ie plastic bottles) or consensual activities (ie gambling), then use your words to convince people about those  legit concerns.

That's what REAL pacifists do!

Unfortunately, I had a debate with a PHONY pacifist (see previous blog post) which probably made me look like some guy who doesn't like laws or doesn't like police!

I like certain laws (ie. you can't rob, kill, rape, assault innocent people and you can't vandalize other people's property) and I want police to enforce such laws.

I also want the Government (And Police) to have limited powers!

I want people to be free to live their lives and do peaceful consensual activities without being afraid of the police!

And for that, I get labeled an anarchist!