But laws are rules enforced by violence!
Laws aren't a list of manners!
Laws aren't a tool of social awareness!
Laws are rule in which allows the police to use or threaten violent force to stop you from doing something!
Using plastic bags and plastic bottles are a NONVIOLENT activity!
But this so-called "pacifist" named Rebecca Brooke Corby (whose latest facebook name is "Rebecca Brooke" but also goes by "Rebecca Corby") wants laws against the use of plastic bags/bottles.
Last month, I posted on facebook a link to an article about 3 African-American teenagers being harassed by the police for selling water bottles at the National Mall.
Here was my statement
Some activists actually want to ban bottled water. This is a preview of how that would be enforced!
and this was the comments in response to that post
That part where she said "Pablo your ignorance about plastics is showing. "
Because Rebecca Brooke Corby said in those comments "Pablo your ignorance about plastics is showing. " I felt that I needed to follow up with this facebook post ( in which I did not mention names)
OK, there's some over-generalizing here, but I'll just say it
The Right-wingers and Left-wingers both support laws that encourage abusive policing, but the Right-wingers are more honest about it! The Right-Wingers want a militarized police actions to "stop drugs", "stop illegals" and "protect the unborn" and they pretty much make excuses for abusive police enforcing such laws by saying "what did those brutalized expect? that's what they get for not complying". That sounds sickening, but at least those Right-wingers are honest about it!
Left-wingers tend to have 2 faces on this! They may denounce abusive policing, yet they want the government to ban guns, plastic bags, and plastic bottles WITHOUT REALIZING THAT THOSE LAWS GIVE PERMISSION for police to use violence to stop anyone with those banned items. I mean, if you're going to ban plastic bottles, HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT POLICE TO ENFORCE THAT? By saying "pretty please, please don't do carry again?" THAT'S NOT HOW THEY OPERATE! They operate with a command presence that threatens violence against those who resist! That's why laws are made: to threaten people who resist! THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF LAWS!
I'm so sick of activists who claim to be "pacifists" but yet want laws to ban stuff AS IF those laws would be enforced by "pleas for understanding". Bullstuff! Rush Limbaugh refer to such activists as "peace pansies", but that's not correct, those activists are actually Violence Pansies, because they want to threaten violence against anyone who want to use plastic items or carry a tool for self-defense!
Well, Rebecca Brooke Corby (aka Phony Pacifist) came uninvited to the comment thread of this facebook post.
In the interest of full disclosure, here is the entire thing, with misspellings, grammar errors and all!
- Rebecca Brooke are you in favor of anarchy ? no laws ?
- Rebecca Brooke plastic is threatening my/our existence, its extremely stupid to keep using throwable plastic bags and throwaway plastic water bottles. Unfort. many times laws are made because people are too dumb or lazy to change so then we have to make a law to get them to stop. You could argue that's how all laws are...like why even have a law against killing someone ?? Everyone should know that's wrong right ? but they don't, so we made it illegal to murder someone and people still do it anyways but I do know there would be a lot more murders if it were not illegal. There are different types, some will do something illegal no matter , many actually stop because they don't want to go to jail. I have heard it many times. I've even admitted myself, not that I would do something violent, but laws that are dumb, I would break sometimes if I knew I wouldn't go to jail but the risk is too much. Bottom line is, laws do deter certain behaviors and the behaviors we wish to make illegal should be rooted in logic and facts, not things like religion or sexism or racism or anything else but logic. Logically, plastic is terrible for the planet, our health and all species...
Rebecca Brooke also there's a thing called fines, monetary punishments. not all punishments are violent. For example, you get caught dumping a bunch of chemicals into the water, you may get a fine, you should get a fine. I've never seen a cop beating up someone for polluting the environment...sadly they do the opposite, they beat up protestors who are tyring to protect our planet, like the standing rock protestors...know your history
- Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke, so if you have your way and plastic bottles are banned, then what the hell is going to happen to those who defy those laws!
I know exactly why Rebecca Brooke wants those laws, she wants to threaten those who defy those norms with violence! Rebecca Brooke wants brutal police crackdowns against those who resists, that's why she wants those laws
- Pablo Wegesend What are fines? Fines are "you pay this or the police will make you pay for it, and if you still resist, the police will crack your skulls! Fines aren't donations, they're threats, they're leglized extrotions
Rebecca Brooke I want violence, LOL.....haven't you been following me a long time.....too funny
- Pablo Wegesend How are laws enforced? Explain that!
- Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke hasn't answered that one sentence question! Too much reality for her to face
Rebecca Brooke so again, are you in favor of anarchy? no laws at all?
Rebecca Brooke all laws are force yes.....we force you not to murder someone, we force you not to drive drunk, we force you not to rape (sometimes) etc, etc. or should we have no laws at all you think ? there are many anarchist societies in the world today, things are much worse sadly esp. anywhere they have limited access to basic resources like food and shelter, combined with male entitlement/sexism and weapons...its chaos...on the other hand there are other lots of hippie communities that are pretty nice but even they have "laws" created in their little communities, they don't enforce them with violence but you have to be vetted carefully to be allowed in their communiities so that's how they avoid violence
Pablo Wegesend To equate possession of a plastic bottle to actions (like murder, rape and robbery) is so stupid! You, Rebecca Brooke are a fake peace activist! You pretend to be for peace, but you want police to enforce your personal preference
Pablo Wegesend If you want take plastic bottles and plastic bags off m hands, do it yourself, instead of begging the legislators to send the police to do it for you!
Rebecca Brooke ha ha, why do you have such a fetish with plastic bags and bottles...its really odd
Rebecca Brooke now who sounds violent......lol
Pablo Wegesend So because I want to be left alone you claim I want to be violent, yet you want police to do your dirty work, because you don't want to do it yourself?
Rebecca Brooke You keep dodging the question. You are not being logical. Do you think we should have any laws or complete anarchy?
Pablo Wegesend You keep dodging the question: how are laws enforced>
Rebecca Brooke I already explained how they are enforced with several examples of logical as well as some illogical laws. I'm in favor of logical laws yes.
Pablo Wegesend But how are they enforced? By pleas for understandings, but hey "stop or I'll beat your ass"
Rebecca Brooke Cops do not beat up people that litter, sadly they beat up environmentalists and defend the big corporations that are polluting and destroying the planet. I don't know where your wild dreams are coming from that someone is going to beat down your door and rip your beloved plastic bottle from your hands..but its making me laugh
- Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke is in favor of police brutality against anyone who has plastic bottles and plastic bags! That's why she favors those laws!
- Rebecca Brooke You think this is funny?
- Rebecca Brooke I'll try one last attempt at logic and then I have to go but as I explained there are monetary punishments called fines. People get fined all the time and not beat up. and that exmple you posted before and it has nothing to do with enviro activists wanting to ban single use plastic bottles. You are not making any sense here.
- Pablo Wegesend so what happens to people who refuse to pay fines? Hmmmm> Hmmmmm? Hmmmm?
People pay fines so they don't get arrested and beaten up by police - Pablo Wegesend Fines are legalized extotion!
- Pablo Wegesend Fines are not friendly donations!
- Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke thinks its funny when people have concerns about police over-reach!
- Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke laughs at people concerned about police over-reach, she wouldn't be laughing if she was nonwhite or nonrich!
- Rebecca Brooke unfollowing you now, you have demonstrated a complete lack of logic here
- Pablo Wegesend some people just can't admit defeat!
- Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke can't defend her logic on why we need government-sanctioned violence to stop those who use plastic bags or plastic bottles!
- Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke is doing this dance now, because she tried to debate me on an issue in which I have the intellectual superiority
- Pablo Wegesend one more thing: I didn't tag Rebecca Brooke to join this debate, she came in on her own free will, and she got owned big time! I don't think I've owned someone in a facebook debate like this in a long long time!
PS: All of these comments were on MY comment thread that was public! In other words, these weren't private messages! So if you feel your privacy was "violated", actually it wasn't because you CHOSE to comment on a public post