Friday, March 18, 2005

More Stupidity from Russell Jacoby

 Again, commenting on the same article


Klein and Stern lecture us, but in social science and humanities faculties "clearly the non-Left points of view have been marginalized." This is "clearly" not true, or at least it is not obvious what constitutes a "non-Left" point of view in art history or linguistics

The Klein study and others like it focus on the humanities and social sciences. Conservatives seem little interested in exploring the political orientation of engineering professors or biogeneticists

My Response: Let's get back to reality - most of the university indoctorination DO come from the arts and humanities courses, and profs in those departments DO tend to make off-topic political rants in class. That is a fact!

Conservatives seem unconcerned about the political orientation of the business professors.

My Response: That's because most business professors don't make political rants in class. It's the social sciences/humanities profs that do so.

Another "abuse" occurred in an introductory class, Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution, where military approaches were derided. A student complained that "the only studying of conflict resolution that we did was to enforce the idea that non-violent means were the only legitimate sources of self-defense." This was "indoctrination," not education. Presumably the professor of "peace studies" should be ordered to give equal time to "war studies." By this principle, should the United States Army War College be required to teach pacifism?

My Response: Actually, in a 2003 article in the NY Times about the US Army Academy (West Point) football team, one of the student athletes was taking a philosophy class debating about "what is a just war". In this case, a military academy is being more balanced than a peace-studies/conflict-resolution class.

More leftists undoubtedly inhabit institutions of higher education than they do the FBI or the Pentagon or local police and fire departments, about which conservatives seem little concerned, but who or what says every corner of society should reflect the composition of the nation at large?

My Response: This is comparing apples to oranges. Firefighters don't have as much influence in shaping the worldview of a 18-24 year old college student as a professor does.

If college students can vote and go to war, they can also protest or drop courses without enlisting the new commissars of intellectual diversity.

My Response: In most cases, the students don't even know anything about the profs until class starts. By then, it's too late, because it would require a major overhaul of a set schedule.

In Jacoby's mind, those who remain in North Korea, Iran or Sudan deserve to be tortured. That's what it sounds like with his so-called "logic".

I found that Russell Jacoby is a UCLA professor. With his attitude, you can imagine the following

- if Jacoby was a cop, he will viciously insult anyone concerned with police brutality
- if Jacoby was a priest, he will viciously insult anyone concerned with child mo