Wednesday, April 07, 2004

 The MEGA-response to Hsiang

In my previous post, I responded to the paranoid Nicole Hsiang's editorial

In today's Ka Leo, 3 editorials slammed Hsiang's diatribe

"Reverse discrimination" is a nonsensical term, discrimination is discrimination no matter who the target is, be it a white, black or purple person



I am French-Canadian. I am Norwegian. I am Dutch. I am not white.

I am clumped into the majority and made a part of something I never wanted to be.

Yet I am forced to share the guilt of people that are related to me only through a physical characteristic

Mega-blasphemy according to Nicole Hsiang, but thanks for hitting the nail on its head.

and here the writer wrote about the incident I mentioned earlier, which is an incident Hsiang DOESNT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT!

Take for instance, in March of 2003, Edward Van Lier Ribbink who was enjoying a day at Waimanalo Beach Park watching his son and daughter paddling in a competition.

Van Lier Ribbink confronted a man punching a dog and holding it under the water. The man pushed Van Lier Ribbink and they wrestled in the sand until a spectator stopped them because the dog had died. Later in the parking lot a witness described the man as saying, "Where's that fucking haole?" and "a fucking haole is gonna die on this beach today."

Van Lier Ribbink was found with eight broken ribs and cuts to the face provided by the man, his son and nephew.

Van Lier Ribbink's case made the news because he's 51 years old, a father and the senior vice president, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of Hawai'i Medical Service Association. Many stories like Van Lier Ribbink's don't get told though.

I have friends who have been hospitalized after taking the wrong side-street in Waikiki. I have been in situations where I was lucky to escape without beatings.


You took the color of my skin, erased all the deep-seated moral and spiritual reasons for the principles I live towards, and delegitimatized me by replacing them with a surface level, egotistical and pathetic reason for living. Congratulations author, in my opinion you are the epitome of a racist

Take that Hsiang

No. I refuse to accept this definition of racism because I refuse to allow anyone to hate, dislike or even be angry at another individual simply because he/she holds the same form of visual or cultural characteristics as a group of people. This definition may seem fine in academia, but in the real world where a Tutsi can get their head chopped off by a Hutu, or a Jew can get shot by a Palestinian, or a "haole" can get his ass kicked on "kill haole day," this definition endorses too much violence and hatred for me to call it anything but useless.

Or when Korean storeowners got brutalized by African American looters in the 1992 LA riots! (No, Hsiang, there were no rednecks looting those stores) Or when there were fights between Samoans and Asian immigrants in Farrington and McKinley High Schools! Racism isn't just white on non-white, it is black on white, Asian on Polynesian, Jew on Arab, Arab on Jew, Latino on Asian, etc, etc.

And about blacks not having power, that's nonsense. The National Security Advisor (Condaleeza Rice) and the Secretary of State (Collin Powell) are two African Americans trusted with our national security by our President. The mayors of Atlanta, Detroit, Washington DC, Houston, New Orleans are all African Americans, the mayors of Austin, San Antonio, El Paso and Miami are all Hispanics.

Of course, some might say I'm simplifying things, that "just because Collin Powell has power doesn't mean blacks aren't suffering." That is true! There are still a lot of blacks living in ghettoes! But let's also remember that even though all Presidents of the US are whites, doesn't erase the fact that there are still white people living in trailer parks, shacks, etc.