Saturday, April 10, 2004

Boy not acting like a "typical boy"?

In a recent Salon editorial, Jill Storrey wrote about her dillema in raising a son who is not interesting in doing "typical boy stuff" like playing team sports, and does some "typical girl stuff" like play with dolls.

And here is a letter to Salon

Storrey's editorial on her son not acting like a "typical boy" was interesting!

I myself like "man things" like rap music, weight lifting, and girls in bikinis. But at the same time, I don't prosper in other "man things" like mechanics, or playing team sports.

So my advice to Storrey is to keep what you're doing and let your son be himself and let him figure out what he is interested in. As long as he continues learning self defense, then he'll be alright!

What I forgot to mention in that letter (though others might say so in their letters) is that forcing a kid to lose and/or gain interest in something just because it's not a "gender-appropriate" activity is going to backfire. The kid might become sucidal! But THE ONE THING IS SURE TO HAPPEN is the kid will be angry at you even in adulthood.

Some might scream at a boy "stop being a fag, stop playing with dolls and start being a tough guy." Be careful what you wish for. That boy might later over-compensate and either 1) beat the shit of you with a baseball bat or 2) shoot you fuckin head off!

Just let the kid figure out what he/she is interested in! Is that too hard to ask.