Sunday, November 02, 2003

Is it Racial?

It's been commonly said that black leftist commonly show more hate for black conservatives than white conservatives. An example would be that the black left leadership would express some dislike of white conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, but show excessive hatred toward black conservatives like Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder and others like them. It's been said that the extra hatred is because those black leftists don't like the idea of a black person showing the white community that not all black people are aligend with Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. So they'll call Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, etc. "Uncle Toms", "sellouts" and "anti-black" to intimidate other black people from publicly expressing agreement with Thomas, Elder, etc. Black conservatives comment that this hatred comes because the black leftists don't want any other blacks to escape the "Democrat plantation."

Since Tobin Jones can't find a black conservative or even a Hawaiian non-leftist on Ka Leo, he'd target the closest thing to it. He probably saw my 1st name, and thought to himself "Oh shit, someone with a Hispanic 1st name actually dares to criticize the Left! I'll show him who's boss!" I could be wrong, but that could the reason why he spends more time complaining about me than any other Ka Leo writer! He is obssessive of getting rid of any non-leftist with some non-white blood.