Sunday, November 02, 2003

Fan Mail

Here is some fan mail I've gotten last week from a friend. Since I've yet to ask his permission, I won't print his name.

Hey Pablo,

I cannot believe all that bullshit Tobin  Jones
wrote in the Ka Leo today and I think you did a great job defending yourself. The only reason why that idiot Tobin thinks that U.H. professors are unbiased is because they think the same way he does. If it were vise versa where the professors were spreading conservative ideology, he would be complaining just as much about these professors as you and I complain about fuckers like Foltz, Andersson, Tehranian, and Okamura. Since Tobin thinks that oppression is okay if it is done through left wing ideology, then I guess he wouldn't mind being a citizen of a country run by Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Kim Il Sung, Ho Chi Minh, or Fidel Castro.

My response: AMEN to that! Andersson and Tehranian are 2 American Studies profs, and Okamura is an Ethnic Studies prof. I didn't take any of their classes, but that friend told me that they all try to promote left-wing propaganda in class and thumbed their noses at those who disagree.

Tehranian actually told my friend to re-write a paper just because he wrote from a non-leftist perspective. Also, according to my friend, Okamura did expect liberal answers on tests, and his classmate got a lower grade on an exam question for giving non-liberal answers. And Tobin says there's no indoctrination on campus?