Tuesday, May 09, 2023

act as if you're always being recorded

 When I returned to substitute teaching earlier this year (with one of the private sub-teacher agencies),  we had an orientation where one of the supervisors told us "Act as if you're always being recorded", especially now that people can hide recording devices and things can go viral when you least expect it. 

Alt-Right podcast host Steven Crowder is under scrutiny because his ex-wife posted a private recording of him verbally abusing her when she was about 8 months pregnant! 

Crowder's defenders are complaining about his "private moment" going public without his consent and are asking his critics "How would you like it if you're judged by your worst moment?"

That's a stupid question!



It's just that now in the age of going viral, more of our worst moments get recorded and go viral!

But you know what?

It becomes less of a problem when you act as if you're always being recorded!

Days of "keeping it private" has been over a long time ago, and they're never coming back

Being mad at that fact is like being mad at "1+1=2", "water makes things wet" and"fire is hot

It is an indisputable fact of life that you're judged by your worst moment!

Don't like it? Too bad!

Think about it -  job interviewers will ask about how you have handled less-than-ideal situations.  They're less interested in your best moment and more interested in how you dealt with your worst moment. 

Is that unfair? No, they want to avoid hiring someone who'll go viral for handling tough situations the wrong way! 

Now someone might say "Pablo, you had moments when you handled things the wrong way, would you like it if went viral?"

It wouldn't matter if I like it!

If I did something wrong, and it went viral, the #1 person I'll be mad at is myself! 

And if you did something wrong and it went viral, the #1 person you should be mad at is yourself! 

Don't even bother being mad at whoever recorded it or whoever leaked it on social media! Don't get mad at the messenger, get mad at yourself .............. and figure out how to improve yourself! 

And the irony of it all is that the appeal of Steven Crowder is all about being extremely judgmental towards non-binary people, feminists, Black Lives Matter, antifa, and basically anyone who is anti-Trump! They have ZERO shame in judging those people at their worst moments. But Steven Crowder and his simps are so sensitive when their messiah Steven Crowder is judged by his worst moment? Really?