Tuesday, September 11, 2018

opening the wrong door

A Dallas police officer came "home" from work, actually, went into the apartment that is directly one floor above her apartment, thought it was her apartment, noticed someone was in "her apartment" and shot him even though it was actually his apartment.

And because the police officer is of European ancestry, and the man who was shot & killed was of African ancestry, the race card automatically appears.

An investigation is still ongoing.  

Here's a link to the article about this situation

Joe Setyon, “Family of Dallas Man Killed by Cop Says Officer's Story Doesn't Add Up,” Reason, September 11, 2018

I want to comment on this quote

According to the affidavit, Guyger lives on the third floor of the complex in apartment #1378, while Jean lived directly above her in apartment #1478. She parked on the fourth floor, then attempted to enter Jean's apartment using her "unique door key," the affidavit says. Since the door was already ajar, it "fully opened under the force of the key insertion." 

This doesn't surprise me much because 2 times, the person who lived in the apartment directly above mines have attempted to open my apartment door and was frustrated that the door wouldn't open! 

The first time was daytime, I was sitting in front of my computer when I noticed that woman trying to open my door.  I looked through the peephole, and yelled "WRONG ROOM, THIS IS ROOM #____". The person looked so shocked and backed away.

The second time was circa 3am when I was sleeping, so just imagine waking up to someone trying so hard to open my door. At that point, I was worried about being victimized by a home invasion! Again, I looked to the peephole, saw the same exact person and yelled "WRONG ROOM, THIS IS ROOM #____". That person looked shocked and then backed away!

I think that person trying to open my door was drunk and didn't realize she was on the wrong floor! Had she tried that to someone less patient than me, she would've shot! If I had to, I would shoot someone trying to invade my home, but I think in this case, the person just didn't realize she was on the wrong floor trying to open the wrong door. I used my discretion carefully!

So it doesn't surprise that this off-duty police officer was just like that person who lived in my building who got off the wrong floor and tried to open the door located in the same part of the hallway, just in a different floor!


It's situations like this is why I rather live in a secured apartment than a house.

With a house, there's many ways a burglar can come in. This induces paranoia when there's strange sounds at night, and a person being woken up might feel under attack and get into defense mode.

I live in a secured apartment.  A person would have to get a key to enter the lobby (though sometimes, idiots don't always properly close the lobby door 😡😡) then get into my hallway.  My apartment door has a peephole so I know who's knocking!

The only other way to get into my apartment is to be  Spiderman and have webbed feet that can walk on the wall outside my apartment and fly into my apartment.  

So only 2 points of defense I have to worry about. Whereas a house have multiple points of penetration, bringing more opportunities for burglars, as well as more anxiety about strange sounds outside. 

As for strange noises, as long as it's not in a hallway (that outsiders can't access to) I don't worry much about being intruded on. 

I totally defend the right to shoot someone intruding on your home! It's your life or their life, there's no neutral ground! 

But if you're not in immediate danger, you have to carefully use your discretion.

Is the person not realize it's not his/her apartment. That happened in my case. Then just yell "This is Room # ____, You got the Wrong Room"

Is the person pounding the door asking for help? Don't open the door, call 911 and inform 911 that someone needs help!

In one case, a person was pounding the door asking for help after she got into an accident. It was late at night and the person in the home was woken up and worried about being intruded upon and shot the person asking for help. Again, the race card appeared. 

CBS Detroit. “Young Black Woman Killed, Allegedly Shot While Knocking On Door for Help.” November 7, 2017. 

Had the homeowner used his discretion wisely, he would've called 911 while the other person was still on the outside. Don't shoot unless you have to!