Monday, September 10, 2018

Attention to Kaepernick

I posted this on facebook last week

from 9/6/2018

There comes a time when right-wingers have to realize that their complaining about Colin Kaepernick's kneeling only gives him more power in the eyes of his followers! Had they stopped giving him attention a long time ago, he would've been forgotten by the general public by now!

Personally, I think Hawaii should become independent from the USA, but I wouldn't kneel or sit during the Star Spangled Banner.  Just like how Nelson Mandela stated to his followers after the fall of apartheid that we shouldn't disrespect the traditions of the Afrikaners (descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa), I wouldn't want to disrespect the traditions of the USA even though I want Hawaii to separate.

I also cringed with Kaepernick's praise of Fidel Castro! It was a major PR blunder!  Kaepernick later apologized. That was 2 years ago, it's time to move on!

Many right-wingers call liberals "snowflakes" but they're the ones acting like snowflakes and giving excessive attention to Colin Kaepernick's kneeling during the anthem!

Like whatevers, just ignore that guy already!

But the more they complain, the more powerful he becomes.

Just like back in the late 80s, early 90s, the conservatives kept complaining about Slayer, Marilyn Manson, Ice T, and NWA! All that complaining made those artists into cultural icons.

Dan Quayle complained about 2pac's songs in one of his speeches. 2pac was still a relatively obscure rapper at the time.  This gave 2pac a lot of free publicity at a time before his more popular songs came out! 

Meanwhile, radical Left has made political speakers Milo Yiannopolous and Ben Shapiro into stars by making their events (which might've only attracted 10 political nerds and plenty of empty seats) into spectacles that go viral! 

All this nonstop whining about Colin Kaepernick kneeling made him a bigger cultural icon to rally around.  

He was nearly unknown to non-sports fans before the pansy-farting whining from the conservative correctness crowd! 

Had the conservative correctness crowd just left the issue alone, he would still be a relatively obscure athlete, and more importantly, he wouldn't have been a center of a Nike ad campaign! 

Nike is banking on him to be a Muhammad Ali type figure for years to come.  

None of that would've happened if the conservative correctness weren't such whiny snowflakes about the issue!