Saturday, July 11, 2015

Trump, Coulter, immigration & crime

Donald Trump is an attention-getter, and he lived up to that when he officially launched his presidential campaign.

He accused  the Mexican government of purposely sending illegal immigrants to the US with this quote

They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Anyone who said anything to the effect of "white people bring diseases, police brutality, apartheid and oh yeah, I guess some are good people" would be loudly criticized by Fox News and talk radio hosts for at least 2 weeks!

And this stuff about "Mexicans bring crime" is a bunch of exaggerations anyways.

From Steve Chapman
Trump had other articles, including a couple reporting deadly crimes committed by people who have come here without permission. But anecdotes can be misleading. Out of any group of people -- Episcopalians, West Virginians, tennis fans, legal immigrants from Canada -- you can find some criminals. That doesn't mean the bad guys are representative of the whole.
The outrages cited by Trump are outside the norm, to say the least. U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, pointed out last year, "The murder rate is actually higher in Washington, D.C., where I work, than in my hometown of Laredo, Texas, or other cities on the border like McAllen."
In 2011, El Paso, Texas, had the lowest crime rate ranking of any city with 500,000 or more residents. That is despite being just across the Rio Grande from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico -- which in 2011 had the second highest murder rate of any city on Earth.
The same pattern shows up away from the border as well. In his extensive research on Chicago -- a city Trump cited for its violent crime -- Harvard sociologist Robert Sampson has found "a significantly lower rate of violence among Mexican-Americans compared to blacks and whites."

From Mona Charen

Trump has achieved his objective -- making himself the center of attention -- but he has subtracted from our sum total of knowledge about the immigration issue. According to an analysis of Census Bureau data by the Immigration Policy Center, only 1.6 percent of immigrant males between the ages of 18-39 are incarcerated, compared with 3.3 percent of the native-born. There are terrible stories of immigrants committing crimes, and it's certainly fair to demand that criminal aliens be deported with dispatch. Sanctuary cities are a disgrace. But just as Dylann Roof doesn't represent white people, Mexican rapists don't represent anyone other than themselves.
Oddly, the entire brouhaha over immigration may be misplaced. If demographers are correct, the great wave of immigration from Latin America is over. As Jonathan V. Last noted in the Los Angeles Times, birthrates are plunging throughout our hemisphere. Between 1970 and 2005, Mexico was the source for roughly two-thirds of the million or so immigrants who entered the United States yearly. When this huge migration began, Mexico's birthrate was 6.72 children per woman. It has since fallen to 2.1, and it continues to decline. Last writes: "Countries with fertility rates below the replacement level tend to attract immigrants, not send them." And voila, since 2005, net migration from Mexico has been zero.
The Census Bureau reports that starting in 2013, the country that sent the most immigrants to the U.S. was China, with 147,000, followed by India, with 129,000, and Mexico, with 125,000 (an equal number of Mexicans living here went home). 

Of course, you can talk all the facts you want, some people are so emotionally invested in a narrative that they automatically dismiss facts that don't support their emotional narrative.

One of those people is Ann Coulter, another anti-immigration fanatic! When confronted by the facts, she just uses evasive techniques like she did when debating Geraldo Rivera on Fox News.

Coulter said the following
“We are talking about a group of people who have no right to be here,” she said, adding “whether legal or illegal.” She didn’t clarify as to why legal immigrants have no right to be in America legally
Coulter is so stupid to even imply LEGAL immigrant "have no right to be here" because by law, they do!  That's the point of being a legal immigrant!

It gets crazier

“Is the filibuster over?” Rivera asked. “Let me respond!” And respond he did, noting that rates of violent crimes in the two cities with the highest population of undocumented immigrants — New York and Los Angeles — are at historic lows.
“That means nothing!” Coulter interjected. “That’s not because of immigration!”
“If undocumented immigrants were more prone to commit crimes,” Rivera continued, “why would these cities be experiencing such relative freedom from violent crime. Compare that to Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, and other post-industrial cities, where there is a spike in terrible crime, where you should be concerned with violence, instead of singling out this population and ginning up this false fear.”

and how does Coulter respond  to these facts?

“Look, you’re talking about a correlation, not a causation. You’re not that stupid, Geraldo!” 

OH, that is what the pro-immigration crowd has been saying this whole time! 

Pro-immigration folks ALMOST ALWAYS MAKE THE POINT THAT  "you’re talking about a correlation, not a causation" when it comes to immigration and crime rates

But when pro-immigration folks say "you’re talking about a correlation, not a causation"............what does Ann Coulter do?

Coulter responds by calling pro-immigration folks of being "politically correct pansies"

But now Ann Coulter wants to say "you’re talking about a correlation, not a causation" when confronted by the facts?


Coulter claims to be concerned about those raped by illegal immigrant rapists?

But what about the majority of rape victims who are ..........raped by someone of their own race!

Coulter's response of "la la la, I can't hear you"

Ann Coulter appeared on “The Lars Larson Show” last week to discuss the discrepancies in Rolling Stone’s article on an alleged gang rape at the University of Virginia, which Coulter called a “shocking fraud” that proves that “there is no rape crisis” on college campuses.
Coulter also suggested that rapes only occur in physically violent circumstances, like “being hit on the head with a brick,” and anyone who says otherwise is just trying to get attention.

So in other words, if you're European-American college student who has been drugged and raped by Euopean-American frat boys, Ann Coulter doesn't care about you!

But if you're the isolated case of a  European-American woman raped by some Mexican immigrant, Ann Coulter will exploit your case to no end in sight! 

 If that's not racism, then the word "racism" has no meaning!