Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dads and so-called "self respect"

Many parents want to protect their kids from all kinds of stuff, even stuff they really don't need protection from.

But that's just natural - why wouldn't a parent want to protect their child?

But their child grows up, becomes an adult and want to do adult things!

It takes a certain level of maturity for a parent to be at peace with their no-longer-child doing raunchy adult things!

Which brings me to Brian Williams, the NBC reporter.

His daughter Allison Williams was in a cable TV show "Girls",  in which her character ...................................had something freaky but consensual done to her.  So freaky that I personally wouldn't do it!

Brian Williams reaction?

Only fanning the flames was the fact that her father not only watched the scene, he was also totally cool with it. “She’s always been an actress,” he said of the scene. “For us, watching her is the family occupation and everybody has to remember it’s acting, no animals were harmed during the filming, and ideally nobody gets hurt.” In fact, Williams has always been nonchalant about his daughter’s sex scenes. In 2012, when Vulture asked him how he felt watching “Girls,” he said, “It’s kvelling, pride. It’s incredibly great.” Then his interviewer clarified, “You’re fine with the awkward sex scenes?” He replied, simply, “Unmitigated joy.”

The article's author Tracy Clark-Flory reacted with these classic paragraphs

This man deserves a “Father of the Year” mug. I mean it. As does any dad who manages to confront the idea of his daughter’s sexuality without withering to the floor like the Wicked Witch. The Williams’ case is extreme, of course: Few daughters are actresses starring in a raunchy HBO drama. Few fathers have reason to see their adult daughters semi-nude. But most fathers, most daughters, could learn something from this family. 

Dads have so many opportunities to positively influence how their daughters feel about their own bodies and sexualities. They have so many chances to not teach them shame. They have so many ways to communicate that it’s a woman, not a man — be he her father or husband — who owns her sexuality. If more dads did this, we wouldn’t have headlines wondering, “WHAT DOES HER DAD THINK?” about a 26-year-old grown woman doing her damn job.

Now, look at that bolded part from the previous paragraph! 

I'll repeat it again

They have so many chances to not teach them shame.

Dads have so many chances TO NOT their daughter's shame in whatever sexuality they have!

I'm tired of people saying stupid stuff like "she has no self-respect" whenever a woman does something raunchy in the clubs or in a video!

Because when you say "she got no self-respect", you are NOT promoting "self-respect", You are promoting SHAME! 

So an adult woman does a lapdance for a popular male celebrity?  Well, two did for Tyrese for his recent birthday! It went viral!

And we have chumps who said "those women have no self-respect"

Lighten up FOOLS! 


They just (gasp.........OMG........nooooooooooooooooooooooo!) did something they considered fun!

They didn't injure anyone!

They just  (gasp.........OMG........nooooooooooooooooooooooo!) did something they considered fun!

So they did something you don't consider fun? 


If you don't want to twerk, THEN DON'T!

But don't give me this crap that adults who twerk (or lapdance or "work the pole" or whatever) lack "self-respect".

Because this "self-respect" nonsense is a bunch of crap from uptight, repressed party poopers who can't stand when people have a different type of fun from them! 

This criticism goes out to BOTH the ultra-conservatives (who want everything prim & proper) and Radical Feminists (who think just because they don't want to twerk, they assume all women twerking in videos are being "exploited" by men) 

As for parents freaked out by all this, remember, while you can cherish all the memories of your kid's preschool times all you want................................... kids can't be stuck in that phase forever.

Life goes on, they become young adults and some (many) want to try freaky things   .......... freak dances, you name it!

It takes a certain maturity to be at peace with it!

Mr. Williams is at peace with it! That makes him the perfect role model for parents out there!