Friday, September 13, 2013

the bully principal exposed to the light

Last year, I exposed the many troublemakers in my life via the blog post "Exposed to the Light"
(I have added a few more stuff to that post since I first posted it).

Now, it's time to add another troublemaker to the list.

This time it's  Kathleen Carstensen

I have worked as a substitute teacher for public schools (DOE) as well as 2 different private agencies that services the private schools.

I started working with the private schools back in 2006, and one of them was Saint Andrew's Priory, an all-girl's school in downtown Honolulu.

I know it seems strange to be a male teacher in an all-girl's school, but they're there.

The problem back in 2006 was the principal at the time Kathleen Carstensen.

A bunch of girls were making noise, ignoring me, and then I  raised my voice, they started to play victim. One claimed she "had to use the restroom". Where she really went is to complain to the office about me.

So what happened next? 

Here is a letter I wrote to the Principal Kathleen Carstensen about how she handled the issue.

To: the administration of St. Andrew's Priory
It is my wish that the issue of yesterday's wrongful termination would be handled without lawyers. However, there were so many unsubstantiated (and in some cases, irrelevant) things mentioned about me in the meetings that they require further discussion.
Before I go into anything else, my experience working at S. Andrew's Priory on November 28, 2006 was a mostly positive and enriching experience. I had a lot of positive things to say about the school environment to my relatives and DOE co-workers. The behavior of most students were wonderful and the problems so minimal that I mentioned to others that the problems at St Andrew's in one day was less than what one experience at a DOE school in just one class.
Being that I was a substitute for the PE class that day, I was able to get along with the other PE teachers that day.
That is why it is so suprising to hear from the principal, unsubstantiated complaints coming from that day.
The principal said that teachers complained about me. The principal refused to mention what teachers.
I never had any conflict with any teacher on November 28, 2006. I was with the PE teachers most of the day. They didn't mention to me any red flags about anything I did! My interactions with them were totally civilized.
Also on the same day, I ate lunch in the faculty lounge. I met the Hawaiian music teacher, a French teacher, a religion teacher and a few others. Again, all my interactions with them were civilized! I dont remember anything I did or say in the lounge that  could even be a red flag!
On that day, I didn't have a chance to meet other teachers. If the complaints are coming from teachers I haven't met, then please understand that what those teachers are probably hearing are most likely just remarks from the shallow minority of students.
Also, on December 4, the only other teacher I interacted with was the male teacher whose class was next door to Ms Ahn. That male teacher was very nice and helpful!
The principal mentioned that I made some students "uncomfortable". That is such a loaded word, especially if it's unsubstantiated! The principal had no specifics on what I did to make students "uncomfortable". The principal not mentioning any specific incident, nor any evidence is very disturbing!  I was wrongfully terminated because the principal had ZERO evidence of what I did make others "uncomfortale". There wasn't even a specfic incident mentioned!
The principal said she was letting me go because of a "gut feeling". How ironic, that on December 4, 2006, I was to be teaching a class on US history and government. The whole point of such classes was to get students to explain social issues with evidence, instead of just "gut feelings". Yet, the principal relied on NO evidence, just "gut feelings" based on unsubstantiated remarks from students or teachers!
The principal mentioned some students saying  I was "weird" as if that was an offense worth firing a teacher over. Adolescents always say  so "so-and-so is wierd". I expected the administration to be above that kind of shallow stuff!
In my personal experience, those who I might've thought as "weird" or "might make me uncomfortable" turn out to be good people that I learn to be comfortable with! It is because my mind uses evidence, instead of just "gut feelings" to judge people over time!  "Gut feelings" dont always turn out to be true. Unfortunately, the administration of St, Andrew's Priory did not allow their students to learn that lesson. They allowed themselves to be influenced by the shallow thoughts of what I assume to be a small minority of students.
If all schools fired  teachers because a few students thought them to be "weird", they would 1) loose wonderful teachers , 2) probably run out of people to teach!
Also, never in my history as a student did I mention to administration that "so-and-so was a good substitute teacher", so chances are high that some students at your school might consider me a good teacher, but aren't going to mention it to administration. After all, people go to school administration to report something negative, NOT to mention positive things that happening.
Also, the principal mentioned that I am not able to control the class. On November 28, the students were mostly well-behaved, so I don't even know what the principal was complaining about!  The day was so positive that I am even shocked there would be any words about me "not controlling the class" that day!
The principal said I was "whiny" and "not commanding". Again, more shallow, opinionated words used to describe me! As far as I'm concerned, I'm not going to pretend that I have a mega-low voice! If not having a low voice is "whiny" then that description is shallow, and I thought school administration officials ought to be above that shallowness!
As for December 4, 2006, I just assumed that the class was going to eventually settle down (which most students did) so I didn't feel the need to sound very stern. Yet, I when I was using a stern voice towards the end of class, I was falsely accused of yelling!
I did walk to certain students to give demerits. Maybe I should've walked towards them in a less hostile manner! However, I didn't yell, nor did I have any physical contact with those students.
I was later told substitutes weren't supposed to give demerits. Then why does the substitute folder have a sample copy of a demerit paper. Plus, on November 28, the elementary PE teacher suggest to me that if any student gives me problems, just ask them their name and fill out a demerit form. (side note: I didn't give a demerit that day)
Afterwards, I had the meeting with the principal, and that's when I heard such shallow, unsubstantiated remarks about me!
When I called Ms Ahn about what happened in her class, and how the principal treated me, she was totally surprised about the way the principal handled the situation. I could easily hear how shocked she was about the principal's actions.  She said she'll talk to the principal when she returns. Whether she was willing to express her shock to her boss, I am not sure!
What was most disturbing about the administration's action was they took the easy way out and wrongfully terminated me. The administration didn't even bother to have me meet and talk with the students I was having trouble with. I feel we could've come to a civilized solution and I am willing to forgive those students! We could've found some common ground.
The administration was unwilling to give me a chance to finish working that day. They didn't bother to think that maybe the other classes might be better behaved, nor did they bother to think that I would be handling things better later that day.
The administration didn't even bother to have me meet with the students who claimed to feel "uncomfortable" around me!  I never heard about what I did to make them "uncomfortable". If I did something inappropriate to them, I was willing to apologize to them in person. However, the administration did not give me the chance to do so! All they went along with is unsubstantiated shallow  remarks and "gut feelings".
I will honestly say that I have NEVER touched a student (unless it was to shake hands or "give five") at St. Andrew's Priory, nor did I do anything that could be considered sexual harrasment! So what was it that made anyone "uncomfortable?" As far as know, the only thing that might've made students "uncomfortable" was talking to Ms Ahn's students in a stern voice and walking towards them to give them a demerit!
I am willing to talk to the administration, staff and students of St. Andrew's Priory if any specific incident or any evidence come up!
I am also willing to accept apologies from the administration about all shallow, unsubstantiated remarks.
Otherwise, I am considering consulting a lawyer about this wrongful termination.
I don't need another dollar from St. Andrew's Priory. It's not about money, it's about the lack of justice from St. Andrew's Priory! 
Pablo Wegesend

(my note: those color coding and bold font  are added for this blog, and weren't in the copy of the the letter that I sent)

Again, the above letter was sent to the principal, the assistant, and the head of the substitute service I was working for.

In 2007, I found out Saint Andrew's Priory had a Head of School  (different person from the principal. Don't ask me why, I don't know) and a   Board of Trustees.

This is what I wrote to them on February 17, 2007

From: Pablo Wegesend
To: St. Andrew’s Priory Head of school
To: St. Andrew’s Priory Board of Trustees
It has recently come to my attention that the Head of School resigned. I have never met that Head of School.
However, I have met Principal Kathleen Carstensen, and I can tell you the way she treated me shows that she is a disgrace to your school, and a shallow human being. If there’s anyone who should resign, it ought to be Ms. Carstensen
I was a substitute teacher at your school on 11/28/06 and 12/4/06.
On 11/28/06, I was the substitute for the high school P.E. teacher Brad Taura. I never had any serious problems with anyone that day.
However, on 12/4/06, things didn’t’ go as smoothly.  I was the substitute for high school social studies teacher Sophie Anh.
The students were distracted from their assignments. At first, I let a few things slide. However, towards the end of class, I started to talk to them in a stern voice.
One of the students left the classroom, and told the administration officials that I was yelling at the students (lie!) and that I was being “mean”.
I was then told to go meet with principal Ms Carstensen. Carstensen told me to leave the campus and not come back.
I admit I was not a perfect person that day. However, some of the things Carstensen told me during that meeting was so disturbing, that any human being with decency would find Carstensen’s actions repulsive.
First, Ms. Carstensen said she heard from some teachers (which she refused to name) that I made students “uncomfortable”. She refused to tell me what I did to make the students “uncomfortable”!
Why was that disturbing? Because if Carstensen refused to tell me who made the accusations, or what the accusations really were, then I am assuming she just made them up, and said those things to hurt me, and to justify her expulsion of me!
Then, Ms Carstensen said some students said I was “weird”. Carstensen refused to tell me who said them, and what I did that was “weird”. And since when is being “weird” a firing offense. Is there any teacher that hasn’t been considered weird at least once?
Also, the word “weird” doesn’t really mean much, since it is a word use by extremely shallow people to describe someone who is different. It is disappointing that Ms Carstensen was shallow enough to go along with that description of me, and use it as a justification to expel me!
Also, there are times when I think of someone I met as “weird” or thought he/she would make me “uncomfortable”! However, I later find that person to be a good person! Why can’t Ms Carstensen understand that?
Ms Carstensen also said my voice was “whiny”! Is that how principals are supposed to talk to anyone! That was an ad hominem attack! Do you consider such ad hominem attacks appropriate?
Carstensen said she had a “gut feeling” that I wouldn’t be a good fit for the school. “Gut feelings” are an excuse to not use evidence when it comes to punishing, firing or expelling people! “Gut feelings” were her excuse to justify her ad hominem attacks on me!
Ms Carstensen didn’t bother to have me meet with the accusing students in the office. That is a mistake on her part. In most cases, all it takes is a meeting in the office for all involved people to discuss their grievances. This way, all involved understand why each person reacted as they did, and the path to forgiveness has started. It is disappointing that Ms. Carstensen didn’t use that option in solving whatever problems I might’ve had with the students!
Or maybe Carstensen had zero evidence of her accusations and made it all up to justify her ad hominem attacks, and to justify her decision to expel me.
In conclusion,  all I want from St. Andrew’s Priory is justice in this situation!
Pablo Wegesend
(my note: those color coding and bold font  are added for this blog, and weren't in the copy of the the letter that I sent)

 Though I didn't get a reply directly from the people I sent the letter to, I did get some good news the following year.

You see, in 2008, I was working at a sub teacher at Queen Emma Preschool, which is run by the same church that runs Saint Andrew's Priory. That would be the Episcopal Church. And they shared the same payroll provider. My experiences at Queen Emma Preschool were great and the admin was cool!

But being that the payroll is coming from the same office, I decided to re-visit the issue again with the head of the private sub agency that sent me to both schools.

The head of the sub agency already told me earlier that her other substitutes also had problems with Kathleen Carstensen, and that she even banned another sub who was considered a favorite all the other schools.

The head of the sub agency also told me that Kathleen Carstensen was no longer the principal of Saint Andrew's Priory!  The head of the sub agency also told me that

I heard so many bad things about that principal (Ms Carstensen) from the subs and other staff members that I could write a whole book about it.

Understandably, she wouldn't write the books due to a confidentiality agreement.


So why only now am I blogging about this?

One, there have been so many other distractions in my life, and I can only blog about so much!

Also, I was reluctant about going public being that I was a male substitute teacher working at an all-girls school and was reluctant to be a target of radio/TV comedian jokes related to that issue.

But you know what? I shouldn't let that stop me from exposing the negative people out there, and Kathleen Carstensen is one of the most negative people I have ever met in my life.

Yeah, she may be long gone from her Reign of Terror (and Error) at Saint Andrew's Priory.  But she  is still not exempt from being exposed to the light!

PS: I have subbed at another all-girls school since then -- Sacred Hearts Academy.

Been there 3 times. So far, absolutely ZERO problems at the schools.

It's the individual person, not the gender, that was the problem at Saint Andrew's Priory!