Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Chris Deedy and Kollin Elderts

A few weeks ago, Chris Deedy a federal agent who was here to provide security for the APEC conference, got a hung jury for the murder of Kollin Elderts at a Waikiki McDonalds.

Because Chris Deedy was of European-American ancestry  and was from the continental US, and because Kollin Elderts was a local guy of mixed ancestries (looks Hawaiian, Filipino but has a European last name. His exact ancestries weren't publicized) there was the race card.

Hawaii Reporter
Chris Deedy

 Hawaii Reporter
Kollin Elderts

Kollin Elderts was drunk that night and was with his friend (also drunk). They were making fun of another customer who tried to ignore them. When the customer later stared at them, Eldert's drunken friend said "what? we were just joking?"

Well, Chris Deedy (also drunk)  felt he had to intervene. He pulled out his badged and showed it to Elderts. Deedy thought Elderts was just going to submit to his "authority". Elderts just thought Deedy was bluffing and said "what, you're going to arrest me?"   Deedy was shocked by Elderts defiance. Elderts called him out and then attacked Deedy. Deedy had a gun and shot Elderts.

surveillance video at


Chris Deedy was allowed to carry his gun as long as he wasn't intoxicated!

But Deedy was drinking the whole night! This drunkeness erased whatever credibility he might've had!

This is why I don't even drink alcoholic beverages!  Once you start drinking, your judgment is impaired. Once you start drinking, you have basically lost all credibility once trouble starts.

Had Deedy not been drinking alcohol and he still had trouble with Elderts, chances are Deedy would've been acquitted and free to move on with his life.

But because Deedy was drunk, Elderts thought Deedy was bluffing  when he showed his badge. I mean, any drunk in Waikiki (there's tons of them) can pretend to be Jesus or an undercover cop! They usually get laughed at and ignored.

Also, Deedy pulled out his badge, even though he was just there to bodyguard diplomats. He wasn't a real cop! He had no back-up ready to step in! If you ain't got no back-up, dont pull out a badge. Otherwise, as Deedy learned the hard way, someone can call your bluff, especially someone who was drunk like Elderts.


As for Elderts and his friend, because both were drunk and making fun of other customers, they thought they were invincible. They both liked to cause trouble and get into fights. In fact, Elderts was already convicted of another incident where fought with other bar customers and even fought with the police.

Well, you can only cause so much trouble until you run into someone with a gun!