Thursday, July 11, 2013


Starting from 2007, I grew out my hair.  No longer was I the guy who went to the barber shop to get my head shaved. I didn't even visit the barbers shops anymore.

Part of it was I wanted to enjoy my hair growing out since my older brothers were already losing their hair.

People say the "balding trait" comes from the mother's side of the family. I believe that  -- my father isn't balding, and his mother's side of the family are Native Mexicans. (His father's side of the family are Spanish-Mexicans.)

My mother has mostly European ancestry (with some possible native Puerto Rican DNA mixed in with the Spanish, Portuguese and German DNA).

So yeah, my hair DNA is from the European side of the family! 

Anyways, I grew my hair out since 2007.

 Like This

Last year, I finally got it braided, just for one weekend

And back to normal
with the infamous hat @ Macy's


But after 6 years, I wanted a change. I cut my hair last weekend.

I didn't go to a barber, I just cut the hair that was sticking out like a pony-tail. 

Some people noticed, most were polite enough to say nothing.

the back of my head after the hair-cut
and yes, that's a bald spot!

I might grow out my hair as much as I can, but it's never going to be like the "good old days" again.

Oh well, the hair was fun while it lasted!


BONUS PIC : from high school