Saturday, October 06, 2012

UH trying to over-manage the students

As if there's not enough drama at UH!

Eariler this year, I wrote the blog post "Let them take less classes"

It was about UH officials pressuring undergrads to take 15-credits instead of just 12-credits per semester.

That blog post basically told that UH officials to MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS................. your students are adults, NOT children!

While that blog concentrated on the crazy statements of Linda Johnsrud, there's another UH official named Janet Itano who should even more idiotic statements

but Itano says students should first enroll in 15, which costs no more money than 12, and then decrease their workload if need be.
Excuse me? You want students to sign up for classes so they can drop them AFTER they start enrolling in the class?


The students (who I shall remind you, are ADULTS) know their personal situation better than you Ms Itano!

They know if they can handle their class load and balance that with work, family and free time!


And here's an example of Itano's screwed up priorities

“I think graduation rates and retention are all parts of the criteria that different organizations that do ranking include,” Itano says. If we increase the number of graduates on time … it would help [our ranking].”

You see, Itano cares more about RANKINGS (which are based on arbitrary criteria by outside "experts") than the actual lives of the students!

UH's priority shouldn't be about rankings (read: popularity contests for mainland "experts"), the priority should be about access to higher education for Hawaii's students. And  greater access REQUIRES flexibility!

The for-profit-colleges get that, which is why they are attracting students who require a more flexible schedule than mainstream colleges.

Ms Itano doesn't get that! And neither do the UH administration, which is already in trouble for allowing themselves to be scammed over fake concert promotions, as well as corruption over hirings and firings!

Here's a student being quoted in that article.

While this would help with the university’s funding opportunities, many students find timely graduation to be a reality for only a lucky few. With many classes being cut to save money, sometimes there are only 20 spaces available in a course required for a particular major, and some of those classes are only offered once a year. Once the class fills up, students who do not fit are forced to wait.

Here's a letter to the Honolulu Weekly which backs up my point

The assumption that a student should complete degree requirements in four years to graduate “on time” doesn’t make sense. [“Timely Grad,” Sept. 12] Individual circumstances are so variable that the “finish in four” imposes unnecessary and artificial pressures. Some of the most successful post-secondary (private) institutions are successful because they offer the most flexibility in scheduling, breaks in acadmic programs, etc. As THE public institution of higher education, UH should do everything it can to accommodate the individual–and become more user-friendly.

Kimo via []

It's time to "clean house" at UH! Change the administration!

And take down those "graduate in 4 years" signs already!