Thursday, July 19, 2012

abstinence ed

The conservative correctness crowd loves to preach against sex-ed in our schools. The only thing they want to teach our kids is "just stay abstinent, contraceptives fail".

Sounds so simple!

But what are the results?

While the study’s primary report did not explore religion, some additional analysis focusing on sexual activity and religious identification yielded this result: 80 percent of unmarried evangelical young adults (18 to 29) said that they have had sex - slightly less than 88 percent of unmarried adults, according to the teen pregnancy prevention organization.
The article highlights what challenges abstinence movements face. Movements such as “True Love Waits,” encourage teens to wear purity rings, sign virginity pledges and pledge chastity during public ceremonies.
Yet many of these Christian youths eventually abandon their purity pledges, Relevant’s Tyler Charles concludes in the article. Tyler talked to people like “Maria,” an evangelical woman who said she wanted to wait until marriage to have sex.

But she said she started having sex with her college boyfriend when she turned 20 because nearly everyone, even most of her Christian friends, were having sex.

Remember, this is focusing on the religious young adults! NOT the gangsta crowd, NOT the punk rock crowd, NOT the atheist crowd!

That means all the abstinence preaching is NOT working!

This has been proven by the fact that highest teen pregnancies in the USA happen in the so-called conservative states in the South, instead of the liberal North.

And that the more liberal, more secular European nations have LOWER teen pregnancy rates than the more conservative USA!

Learn more at

The conservative correctness crowd will respond to this with "la la la, i can't hear you" but the facts are the facts.

And just a few more words on this topic, from the same article.

Yet the article also asks a question that rarely comes up in discussions about abstinence movement. Relevant notes that in biblical times, people married earlier. The average age for marriage has been increasing in the U.S for the last 40 years.
Today, it’s not unusual to meet a Christian who is single at 30 - or 40 or 50, for that matter. So what do you tell them? Keep waiting?

The politically incorrect reality is that once someone starts puberty, they will have sexual desires!

And once that person enters young adulthood, it is unrealistic to expect that person to not be in sexual situations.

Don't blame porn, reality shows or the liberal media for any of that! Just blame evolution and genetics for all of that!

As a friend once said --- "if God didn't want us to have sex so early, he would've delayed puberty until much later".


PS: The critics will say that I am "encouraging people to make babies they're not prepared to take care of".!  This is why we have birth control and contraceptives.

The more educated folks make less kids than the uneducated folks. It's not that the educated are less horny, it's that too many of the uneducated have this "anything goes" mentality and are less likely to use contraceptives.