Tuesday, February 03, 2004

More on the Super Bowl halftime show

Already, the religious fanatics at World Net Daily (www.worldnetdaily.com/commentary.asp) are calling the whole Justin-Janet act a form of "cultural terrorism". What a bunch of crap! It's not terrorizing anyone! Boo-hoo-hoo little kids are seeing Janet's breasts! So what? All the little girls will one day grow breast, and all the little boys will one day grow up and see women's breast.

Charles Taylor of Salon.com said it best


And a letter writer to the Op-Ed pages of today's New York Times says, "As a country we are criticized by Muslim moderates and physically attacked by Islamic purists. They say our culture is morally corrupting. Did this show give them further confirmation?" To which the only honest answer is yes. Thank God.

Two days after 9/11 I ventured into Manhattan and saw, rising above an almost deserted Times Square, a Pepsi billboard featuring Britney Spears in jeans pulled low enough to show the straps of her red thong. I'm not a fan of Britney or her music but I will always be grateful to her for, in that moment, embodying everything the Taliban hates about America. It was vulgar and obvious and very, very heartening.

Of course, the radical right thinks that in order to defeat the Islamic Fascists, we must be more like them in sexual matters. I say that's bullshit! Being as uptight, self-righteous and asexual as those Islamic Fascists is only letting them win the war of morals. We should the opposite of the Islamic Fascists - meaning we should love freedom, fun, and sexual imagery!

If we end up like those religious fanatics at World Net Daily, the War against Islamic Fascists will no longer be freedom versus tyranny, it will be just Bloods versus Crips.