Monday, December 27, 2004

My letters on naivete

In a recent edition of the Honolulu Star Bulletin, there has been some mega-naive letters written.

Here's a sample

And here's my response to those lame letters

Two letters in the 12/23/04 edition of Star Bulletin expressed wishful thinking at it's worst.

The first letter, by Paul M. Gundlach, said that high-rise buildings should be banned because people have died falling off the lanais of those buildings. Nevermind that those in single family homes are more vulnerable to flood damage (and flood drowning) than those living on the 20th floor of a high rise. And let's not forget that high-rises are there because we dont have enough room to give everyone single family houses, nor can everyone afford it.

The second letter by Wilbert W.W. Wong, said that a one-world government will bring world peace. In reality, a one-nation government can't even stop gang warfare, so how is a world government going to stop tribal warfare? And Wilbert Wong says that a world government can by led by "highly principled leaders possessing high intelligence, common sense and humility." More likely, a world government would be lead by a corrupt person possessing excessive arrogance. If you thought Hitler or Stalin were scary ruling one nation, just imagine someone like them ruling the world!

The Star Bulletin only printed my response to the 2nd letter, which is reprinted at