Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Women and Torture

We've all heard this Radical Feminist bullcrap that men are all pigs and women are always innocent victims.

The photos from the US controlled prison in Iraq proves that women can be just as sadistic and cruel as the men.

Yet people are so shocked by that?

Here is Cathy Young setting it straight


Ludicrously, a few conservatives—the smirking provocateur Ann Coulter and the usually sensible Linda Chavez—have used this as an argument against women in the military. A more common response, from left and right, has been hand-wringing over the fact that women could do such things—either because women themselves have been victims of sexual violence or because women should be inherently better than that. But there is little basis for such expectationsSoviet Russia and Nazi Germany had their share of female torturers.

When given power over others, some human beings (including women) will abuse that power in sickening ways. This is a fact of life.

It's an obvious fact I learned from experience in school. Yet people actually forget that and later be shocked by women doing cruel things? The whole idea that women are all weak is bullshit anyways. Some women are strong and dangerous! Just visit a ghetto school! Girls there fight all the time! And I'm sure even in preppy private schools, some girls are bitchy too, just not as violent as the ghetto gangsta girls!

Cruelty and Viciousness isn't a Gender Trait! And I can't believe Adults Still Haven't gotten that Message!