Thursday, August 19, 2021

should you trust or distrust authority?

 There's a difference between a healthy and an unhealthy distrust of authority. Real maturity requires knowing this.

I question a lot of government policies. But I don't just automatically assume everything the government is doing is wrong.

I question the bias within the media. But I don't just automatically assume everything the media says is a lie. 

People are complex. Most people are correct about some things but incorrect about others.

Real complex thinkers understand this! 

Real complex thinkers investigate the issue instead of just assuming "this leader is lying" or "this leader is the messiah"

Complex thinking and investigating the issues takes time & work.  That's why most people take the easy way out and just assume the government "never tells the truth" or "always tell the truth".

But the more you learn from various sources, the more you know when to trust or distrust those in authorities. 

When the facts and evidence are presented and it's overwhelming, sooner or later, you have to go along with it, even if it doesn't go along with your previous ideology.

Many people are having trouble with that concept during the coronavirus crisis. 

The covid vaccine has been tested and been proven to reduce the chance of getting severely ill when your body catches the virus. The overwhelming majority of those in ICUs are the unvaccinated.

These facts mentioned in the previous paragraph remain true even if 

  • the government sometimes lies about things 
  •  media has a liberal bias. 

Time to deal with the facts as they are, even if they don't match your ideology




There's a difference between a healthy and an unhealthy distrust of authority. Real maturity requires knowing this.

 I have a healthy distrust of authority and I'm vaccinated
