Friday, January 01, 2021

My 1st blog post of 2021

 Everybody seems so excited to leave 2020 behind and is ready for a more optimistic 2021!

As for me, I'm walking in 2021 with some caution.

In the last few months, I have been blessed to be working a seasonal position at Macy's.  Seasonal is the keyword here and while I have expressed in continuing on after the holiday season, I am still waiting for the official word.

My previous job from a year ago was as a school library assistant. I have no interest in restating why I left that position (read my previous posts), but I'm definitely looking forward to returning to the library life once the pandemic and hiring freeze ends. However, I just saw a Facebook post from my former classmate from UHM's Library & Info Science (LIS) program stating that after so many temp jobs, he's giving up finding library work in Hawaii and is planning to move to the continent.  

This past semester was the 1st one since 2005 in which I wasn't working in a school. I did reapply for positions, but nothing so far. 


And of course, Pablo the Mad Tiger Warrior has some new music out (the subject of my next blog post) and hopefully, it generates more interest in my music catalogue and I get some additional revenue. 

Hearing about the decline of the library & music industries sometimes makes me feel I was born in the wrong era, but then I realize that while the internet is blamed for both declines, it also provides me the opportunity to sell my music far beyond where I can physically go, as well as the opportunity for the words on my blog post to do the same. 

I'm definitely dealing with the midlife crisis (I just turned 40 last year) which seems to come with more pessimism than I normally express.  At the same time, I have to be honest with myself without being an energy vampire draining other people's energy with any pessimism I may express.

Who knows, maybe 2021 will be a time for great & appropriate opportunities that could bring me to 2022 with more optimism. 

You can help by searching for music by Pablo the Mad Tiger Warrior and buy some tracks 😉