Saturday, May 07, 2016

Enough of this Affirmative Nonsense already!

I really can't wait until the Supreme Court eliminate this "affirmative nonsense" (aka "affirmative action") when people are given positions just for the sake of diversity! People need to EARN things, even if it's more challenging for some than others!

In this case, a Latino student at a mostly Asian-American school (wait, doesn't that sound familiar to my situation? LOL!) was offered a student president position by some idiot principal for the sake of diversity! It's as if the principal didn't have confidence that a Latino couldn't earn votes from Asian students! How's that for racist stereotyping?

That idiot principal needs to realize that part of the reason why Barack Obama was the 1st African-American to be ELECTED president was because early in his life, he had to learn to communicate with people different from him!

I mean, sheesh, if an Indian-American can win elections in Louisiana and South Carolina in REAL LIFE, then that idiot principal should step back, and allow racial minorities to EARN their student government positions!


This was in response to this news story coming out of San Francisco (which is supposedly more liberal than South Carolina, which actually elected an Indian-American governor IN REAL LIFE)

from that article
After it was announced that another student was selected for the vice president seat, Ortiz was called into the principal’s office on three occasions, his mother said. Faculty twice encouraged him to become freshman treasurer.

On the third occasion, Ortiz and the white student who was selected as vice president were both called into the office. Faculty then asked the appointed vice president to step down so that Ortiz could take her seat, which he declined.

“They were, like, bribing me into being on the student council,” said Ortiz, who, despite his last name, identifies as white. “It was basically a thanks, but no thanks.”

and more, this one from the idiot principal Cheryl Foster learning a hard lesson

Moeller took notes during the meeting and recorded Foster as saying, “We learned a lot from this, from children like [Ortiz], who didn’t want us to install them into posts they were not elected for.” 
In her statement to the Examiner, Foster said the process “worked to encourage non-traditional candidates and resulted in a diverse ninth grade group of officers.” In one case, a freshman had not considered running until he was recommended by faculty.
But a proposal at the school to make appointments in all grade levels this semester was shot down by students, Foster said.

Yeung, the junior treasurer, said she believed the elected process was the way to go.
You should learn the skills to be able to say I want to run for this and here’s why, be able to tell people you should vote for me because this, this and this,” Yeung said. “I think that’s a great way for us to learn as students.” 

And I want to say this to politically correct idiots like that principal Cheryl Foster

I don't want your type of help! 

I don't want allies like you!  

Don't give me this "at least I'm not Donald Trump or Ann Coulter" because that is severely low standard to measure yourself by! 

Being called  "wetback piece of feces" is NOWHERE NEAR AS INSULTING as being given a message that I can't earn respect from Asians (or Anglos or Jews or African-Americans or whatevers)

Being called  "wetback piece of feces" is NOWHERE NEAR AS INSULTING as being  to be given a message that I could only get a position for the sake of fulfilling a diversity quota!

To hell with diversity quotas!

If someone who is Asian or Anglo or Jewish is more qualified for a position than I am................ THAN HIRE THAT MORE QUALIFIED PERSON! 

If I need surgery, I want the most qualified surgeon REGARDLESS if that surgeon is from an under-represented or over-represented ethnicity in the surgery profession! 

End this Affirmative Nonsense!