Sunday, November 27, 2016

A petition to Make Hawaii Independent Again

I have started an online petition to Hawaii's elected officials (the governor, legislature, Office of Hawaiian Affairs) to start taking steps to Make Hawaii Independent Again.

You can sign that petition at

Here is the letter that comes with the petition

To Hawaii's elected leaders,

With the election of Donald Trump as the president of the United States, it is time to reconsider whether Hawaii should continue being a part the United States.

The majority of Hawaii's residents didn't vote for Donald Trump! The majority of Hawaii's resident do not share the values of Donald Trump!  We do not want to live under a leader who openly appeals to the ugly prejudices of his fanbase. We do not want to live under a leader with his style of abrasive, deplorable, abusive and erratic behavior!The people of Hawaii do not have to put up with any of that!

With independence, Hawaii will no longer be dependent of the whims of the voters of Ohio and Florida every 4 years. 

With independence, all the laws we follow reflect our values, instead of the values of voters from faraway states.

With independence, all of our tax revenue stays here. No longer do we send our tax revenue to Washington DC where the senators and representatives from the other states argue over what to do with the money we already paid for. We keep our tax revenues here, and we have total control over what our tax revenue pays for.

With independence, we can control our own military defense. We already have the National Guard's infrastructure to start building up our own military. But this time, no longer do we send our tax money and our soldiers to military bases far outside our borders to intervene in another country's business.

With independence, we have more access to international trade. No longer will have our access to international trade be restricted by the Jones Act. a federal shipping law that puts excessive burdens on our geographically isolated islands.

With independence, we can be a small prosperous nation. If Singapore can do it, why not us?

It is time for Hawaii's elected leaders to take the initiative. It is time for Hawaii's elected leaders to openly discuss the benefits and challenges of becoming an independent nation.  It is time for Hawaii's elected leaders to encourage Hawaii residents to vote for independence. It is time for Hawaii's elected leaders to take all the other necessary steps to regain our island's independence from the United States. It is time to transition.

Hawaii has already experienced being a multi-racial independent nation that was open to the ideas, products and cultures of the world in the 1800's. Hawaii can be that again.
It is time to Make Hawaii Independent Again.

If you haven't read it already, here is the link to the blog post in which I supported the effort to Make Hawaii Independent Again

and my video speeches to support Hawaii's independence