Monday, July 04, 2016

USA is now 240 years old

240 years ago today, the Declaration of Independence was signed.

You can view the text of it at

At the time, the descendants of British settlers were tired of living under the rule of the land their ancestors left about a century earlier.  They were tired of having rules being made without their consent, and by 1776, they felt it was time for American and England to go their separate ways.

Coincidentally, this year, Great Britain basically told the European Union that they too want to go their separate ways.

Anyways, bringing the discussion back to America, the Founding Fathers spoke very great words about freedom, liberty and liberation from an oppressive government.  Yet, in that very document that inspired liberation movements worldwide, the Declaration of Independence also referred to Native American tribes as "Indian Savages", and some of the signers were slaveholders who kept African-Americans imprisoned on their plantations.

However, the words of liberty were later used by the Civil Right's Movement to say "hey, you talk about freedom & liberty, what about us?" Eventually, people of all races gained the rights to vote and hold political office.

However, as in every country, there's more immigration and therefore people not happy with new immigrants coming in! Donald Trump is appealing to the angry Americans who felt invaded by Latino & Muslim immigrants.

Donald Trump talks about being "tough" and "make America great again"
This video shows a REAL tough guy talking about what REALLY makes America great!

Meanwhile, here in Hawaii, some people want to declare Hawaii independent from the US! They point out their islands were stolen by American forces in the 1890's, first with the 1893 overthrow of the monarchy, then with the 1898 annexation! 

Many say that Hawaii has become too dependent on the US!  When Senator Daniel Inouye died in 2012, many people freaked out that Hawaii will lose out on the federal $$$ that came with his seniority in the US Senate!

However, if Trump becomes USA's President, I predict that the calls for Hawaii to become independent will become louder.

Also, if the US Congress refuses to repeal or adjust the Jones Act (which regulates shipping, and prevents non-US ships from going from one US port to another), Hawaii will have another reason to go independent! 

Will there be a Hawexit just like the UK had its Brexit from the European Union! Or will Hawaii be like Scotland or Quebec, so attached to the larger country that most people will just chose to remain united?