I mean, me and my friends had our inside jokes, and when guests come by and chill, they don't even get it! Sometimes, me and my friends have to remind each other to tone down the inside jokes when non-insiders are around!
Last year, Mountain Down had a TV ad with Odd Future, a rap group that is known for attention-grabbing outrageous lyrics. Unlike "reality rap" artists who say controversial stuff to make a bigger point, Odd Future just says stuff just to be silly. I mean who would take statements like “KILL PEOPLE, BURN SHIT, F___ SCHOOL,” or “go skate, rape sluts and eat donuts.” literally?
So Odd Future's Mountain Dew ad had a goat in a police lineup along with members of Odd Future. The goat threatens an older woman viewing the police line-up.
You can call that style of humor all kinds of things --- vulgar, lame, idiotic.
However, Dr Boyce Watkins called that ad "the most racist racist commercial in history" as if Mountaint Dew just plucked a random group of African-American extras to portray criminal suspects in an ad to mock African-Americans, nevermind that the ad's idea itself came from Odd Future's leader Tyler the Creator!
It was an inside joke for Odd Future's fans!
But again, inside jokes aren't going to be understood by ad viewers who aren't familiar with Odd Future and their style of humor!
So on to Stephen Colbert, a well-known comedian who portrays an idiotic character on his Comedy Central. His character says all kind of silly stuff, and ask all kinds of silly questions to guest to get them to say something stupid. It's all part of an act!
It's called satire.
Or as Rush Limbaugh would call it -- "illustrating the absurd by being absurd!"
So Stephen Colbert was making fun of Dan Snyder, the owner of the NFL team Washington Redskins.
As you may know, many Native Americans feel the term "redskins" is a racist slur. They point out that nobody dares to call a team "blackskins", so why should we accept the term Redskins.
So Dan Snyder is now starting an outreach group called "Washington Redskins Original Americans Foundation" as a charity organization to assist Native Americans.
Well the name "Washington Redskins Original Americans Foundation" a fuel for satire by Stephen Colbert.
By illustrating the absurd by being absurd, Colbert's character says
“I am willing to show #Asian community I care by introducing the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever.”
It was pure satire, illustrating Dan Snyder's absurdity by pointing how it would sound if another ethnic outreach group had an absurd title!
The same quote was Tweeted on Stephen Colbert's account (run by Comedy Central)
OMG, those who didn't get the inside joke over-reacted!
Internet pundit Suey Park started a #CancelCorbet campaign, acting as if Stephen Colbert was some anti-Asian bully making a joke ridiculing Asians, nevermind that it was obvious to the audience that it was a satire making fun of clueless racist people!
And guess what?
Suey Park doesn't speak for most Asian-Americans!
There were a whole bunch of Asian-Americans who think that Suey Park doesn't get satire and that she is overly sensitive!
"In an ideal world, anyone should be able to point out that yellow face is wrong," said Ti, who is Chinese-American. "It’s not hard."
But Ti questioned whether all Twitter campaigns are equally constructive. He for one, thought the campaign against The Colbert Report, was not worth all the angst.
“There is a part of Asian-American community that I wish would pick its battles a little bit more and focus,” Ti said.
Another sign that Suey Park doesn't speak for most Asian-Americans.
I have seen ZERO people on my facebook NewsFeed wanting to #CancelCobert, even though my facebook list includes graduates from McKinley High School (which has the largest Asian immigrant population in all of Hawaii, and whose district includes Chinatown and Ke'eaumoku [aka Koreatown])
Plus, my university (UH-Manoa) has a large Asian-American population, my state (Hawaii) has a large Asian-American population, and the same with my various worksites (mostly schools, with their mostly Japanese-American staff)
Apparently, all my Asian-American friends have more important priorities than Suey Park does.
If Suey Park, as well as other trolls like Brittney Cooper and Randa Jarrar were really about fighting racist, then why were they silent about the brutal beating death of Kim Phan?
Kim Phan, a 23-year old Vietnamese-American woman, was brutally beaten by 2 Latinas outside of a Orange County nightclub!
photo by Christine Cotter/AP
(From left to right)
Marisol Meza, Ruben Mata and Tony Galvan stop to look at a street-side
memorial for Kim Pham. Local businesses and the city’s government have
drummed up $10,000 for information leading to the arrests of all
Many people are hesitant to call the incident a "hate crime". I'm not!
I will say that the beating death of Kim Phan was a hate crime committed by racist Latina bullies!
It's no secret that there are Latino vs Asian gang rivalries in many inner-city neighborhoods in California. .
It's no secret that many Asian gangs have started for the purpose of protecting themselves from Latino gangs!
But many "progressives" are hesitant to say anything about Latino racists (besides a so-called "white Latino" in Florida) because they don't want to be seen as anti-Latino!
No, they only want to push a narrative of "white racism" and go to great depths to portray white belly dancers and white rappers as "cultural appropriation".
Nevermind that in the 1992 LA riots, Korean stores got looted, and none of the looters were neo-Nazi skinheads nor neo-Confederate wanabees.They were looted by African-American and Latinos.
Nevermind that that an African-American teenager Latasha Harlins, who was racially profiled and shot in the head, wasn't killed by a neo-Nazi nor the KKK. She was profiled and killed by a Korean store owner
Nevermind that an African-American teenager Cheryl Green was gunned down in cold blood by racist gang members. And no, the gang wasn't KKK nor Aryan Brotherhood! It was a Mexican-American gang!
And again, back to Kim Phan, she wasn't attacked by neo-Nazis or the KKK!
Her death had NOTHING to do with so-called cultural appropriation. Her death had NOTHING to do with Stephen Colbert's satire. Her death had NOTHING to do with "white privilege".
If Suey Park, Brittney Cooper, Veronica Bayetti Flores and Randa Jarrar really cared about social justice, they would stand up for Kim Phan!
They would take a strong stand against violent racist bullies (and not only the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood or the police)!
They would take a strong stand against real racism, instead of misinterpreting an inside joke from a satire show!
They would encourage cultural exchanges, instead of whining and hating on white belly dancers and white rappers winning awards!
But that's not how Suey Park, Brittney Cooper, Veronica Bayetti Flores and Randa Jarrar roll!
They are just trolls
(i know, it rhymes)
To hell with them!