Friday, September 10, 2010

9/11 - 9 years later

Tommorrow would be 9 years after the 9/11 attacks.

While there's a whole new generation of kids who were either too young to remember 9/11/2001 or born after 9/11/2001, it is still painful for millions here in the USA, and worldwide.

Even 9 years later, there are new controversies involving the 9/11 attacks!

I already went over the so-called "Ground Zero mosque" in my previous blog posts


Another new controversy has come up!

A fringe Christian minister in Gainesville, Florida named Terry Jones proposed a "Burn a Koran" day tommorrow, on the 9th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Obviously, this has caused international outrage, with protests worldwide.

President Obama has pleaded with Pastor Jones to not go forward with this.

Said Obama: "Look, this is a recruitment bonanza for Al Qaida. You could have serious violence in places like Pakistan and Afghanistan." The president also said Jones' plan, if carried out, could serve as an incentive for terrorist-minded individuals "to blow themselves up" to kill others.

"I hope he listens to those better angels and understands that this is a destructive act that he's engaging in," the president said of Jones.

(skipped paragraphs)

Also, Army Gen. David Petraeus, the ground commander in Afghanistan, has said the act of burning the Quran could endanger troops fighting there.

On Wedneday, the State Department has ordered U.S. embassies around the world to assess their security ahead of the planned weekend demonstration in Florida.

Officials said U.S. diplomatic posts have been instructed to convene "emergency action committees" to determine the potential for protests over the congregation's plans to burn the Quran to commemorate the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The posts are to warn American citizens in countries where protests may occur.


As I mentioned earlier in the posts about the "Ground Zero mosque", that anti-Muslim biogtry in the USA & Europe MAKES IT A WHOLE LOT EASIER for Islamic Fascists to promote anti-American hatred and anti-American terrorism!

The Koran burners and the anti-mosque fanatics may think they're so "heroic" and love to have the image of "hey, look at us everyone, we're politically incorrect" but they just end up looking ridiculous! It shows them to be uneducated, close-minded people who only think in terms of stereotypes. In other words, they're just the Judeo-Christian version of the Islamic Fascists!

Not only do the Koran burners and anti-mosque fanatics alienate reasonable people, and they also make people of Islamic cultures defensive! It gives those of Islamic cultures feel "under siege"! That makes it easier for the Islamic Fascists to recruit young, naive, gullible, insecure minds to join their cause!

Meanwhile, the Islamic Fascists are blaming Obama for the "Burn a Koran Day"! Or they're angry at Obama for not using law enforcement to stop the "Burn a Koran Day"

In many Muslim countries, percieved insults to Islam are punished by law.

But in the USA and many democratic countries, there is Freedom of Speech. You can offend whoever you want!

Let's remember, even though the USA is a Christian-majority country, people have gotten away with insulting Christianity! People have put the cross in a jar of urine, painted a picture of the Virgin Mary with elephant feces, TV shows and movies mock Christians as "narrow-minded followers", Ted Turner referred to Christians as "Jesus Freaks" and underground rockers also insult Christianity in their songs!

So those Muslims who expect Obama or any other North American or European politician to ban "insults to Muslims" are fighting the wrong battle! North Americans and Europeans cherish the "right to offend" and even the dominant Christian religion isn't safe from insults!

So the Koran burners and anti-mosque fanatics can speak all they want!

And the best weapon against Bad Speech is Good Speech! No laws, No bans, just Debates, Debates and more Debates!