Saturday, June 27, 2009

Iran and North Korea

Remember back in 2001 when President George W Bush called the leaders of Iraq, Iran and North Korea the "axis of evil"

Some on The Radical Left was upset at Bush for saying that!

Well, Saddam Hussein is gone, so now it's just Iran and North Korea!

Some felt the Barack Obama's smooth words would pacify the dictators of Iran and North Korea!


While the people who live in Iran and North Korea have the same hopes, dreams and aspirations as the rest of the world, those who run their governments are truly evil!

Only the mega-naive would disagree!

1) Iran had an "election"! Actually, the candidates are handpicked by the ruling elite!

No chance of a Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter or a Barack Obama coming out of obscurity, bringing new ideas and captivating the nation into victory!

Instead, the ruling elites only allow those already within the power structure to run!

And even then, they picked the winners!

The incumbent was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, an ultra-conservative nutcase who believes in forcing his ultra-conservative version of Islam on the masses, and threatens to destabilize nearby democracies like Iraq, Lebanon and Israel!

While he goes on to threaten nuclear annihilation of Isreal, the economy of Iran is going down! While it relies on oil export, there isn't much of a free market economy there!

So the people were mobilizing to vote Ahmadinejad out of office! They knew the other candidates weren't the most ideal, but screw it, let's try someone else!

Yet, it was announced Ahmadinejad won 62% of the vote only hours after the polls closed!

That sounds like voter fraud!

They main opposition candidate was Mir Hossein Mousavi! While he was part of the Iran's power structure for a long time, he sensed opportunity in all this!

While the people on the streets are angry about the election fraud, Mousavi announced that he was with them and not with the ruling elite!

Mousavi, a former insider, is now risking his life to openly side with the protesters!

Now, Iran's government is using extremely violent tactics against the protesters!

If the level of brutality in Iran reaches to the level of what happened in China's Tiannanmen Square 20 years ago, that will tell you something!

This government can't be trusted with nuclear weapons!

If the government of Iran is brutalizing protesters out in the streets and torturing them in prisons, what's going to stop them from nuking Israel, or selling nukes to terrorist groups?

2) Some said Obama's words in this issue isn't tough enough!

Some even accuse him of coddling Iran's rulers!

Look, anyone with a brain should understand that President Obama sympathizes with the protesters! He isn't happy with the way Iran's government is handling all this!

However, he didn't want to spend much time talking on this issue, or else the government would accuse the protesters of being the "puppets of the Great Satan"!

Obama felt if he talked too much, that Iran would portray the protesters as a US/UK/Israel conspiracy to destabilize Iran! That Iran would portray the protesters as "taking orders from foreigners"!

I think Obama should say something along the lines of "These protesters aren't about making Iran submissive to the US, the UK or Israel, it is about basic human rights every human being deserves! It is about allowing the people of Iran choose their leaders and their right to publicly express their grievances"

The people of Iran know Obama isn't a traditional Western leader out to colonize the non-whites! In fact, his dad was a Muslim non-white from a former British colony! They know Obama isn't out to colonize Iran into being an American puppet!

So Obama already has more leverage than the previous presidents! He could use that to emphasize that the protests aren't some "Western conspiracy to destabilize a Muslim country"!

3) North Korea is testing it's nuclear weaponry, bringing fears that those nukes could hit Hawaii!

The dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong Il, isn't a " misunderstood leader with legit grievances", he's one of the worst human rights abusers in the world! Massive torture, lack of basic freedoms, lack of a market economy has made North Korea a hell-hole many try to escape!

While South Korea is one of the world's richest countries, North Korea is one of the poorest!

But North Korea got nukes, and is feeling really jealous of South Korea! But instead of freeing his people and freeing it's economy to be more innovative, he wants to destroy South Korea! It's easier to destroy than build!

But how would he deter the USA from defending South Korea? Nuke the USA first!

That's why everyone should be worried, especially here in Hawaii!

Some say "we don't need a missile defense system, there were no missiles used in 9/11"

Yeah, but that's only because bin Laden didn't have nukes! Kim Jong Il does!

Either everyone in America gets serious about missile defense or Hawaii would become another Hiroshima, another Bikini Atoll!

4) John McCain once joked and sang "bomb, bomb Iran".

Now some on the Radical Left are calling him a hypocrite for now expressing sympathy with Iran's protesters!

They said "if McCain bombed Iran, he would've killed the people he claimed to support"

I would like to ask those people "How did we liberate Germany? How did we liberate Japan?"

We bombed their countries into surrender! We didn't ask for understanding from Hitler or Tojo? They were serious nutcases and the worst bullies on the world stage! They only understood violent force and we used it on them to stop them!

After bombing those countries into surrender, we rebuilt those countries and now they're among the world's most freedom-having, prosperous people! They're no longer a threat to us or their neighbors!

5) Now that we went over the problems with the rulers of Iran and North Korea, aren't we glad Saddam Hussein is out of the way?

Stabilizing Iraq was a bigger struggle than George W. Bush expected. But while things in Iraq are nowhere near perfect, it is way better than it was a few years ago!

So on the Axis of Evil, it's 1 down, 2 to go!

The situation of Iran is still on-going! It could worse or better!

But we can't trust the leaders of Iran and North Korea to be nice! We got to be prepared!