Friday, November 07, 2008

This Historic Election

History was made this past Tuesday!

The USA will have it's 1st African-American President! Barack Obama!

This shows this country has gone a long way! A land that once imported Africans as slaves, and had oppressive segregation laws, a land where African-Americans who fought for their rights met with violent resistance, and the land that overcame racist segregation --- Now has given a majority of its votes to a man with African ancestry!

Martin Luther King's dream is now reality!

And one of King's former assistants, John Lewis, who was severely beaten during the civil rights movement, had an emotional statement after it was announced that Barack Obama was going to be the next President!

Here is John McCain's concession speech. McCain showed a lot of class, though unfortunately, some of his supporters didn't. (which I'll discuss later)

Here is Barack Obama's victory speech

Now on to the election analysis

1) I didn't agree with Obama's proposals on raising corporate taxes or undoing Clinton/Bush free trade policies. I thought it's a counter-productive thing to do in this declining economy! Also, Obama's proposal on withdrawal from Iraq might be counter-productive! I thought McCain made stronger points on those issues during the debate!

I also worried about the Democrat Congress and a Democrat President might go too left on economic policy!

But I accept Obama's victory, and I accept Obama as the Next President!

2) This goes out to all you loosers who screamed about "Obama is a Muslim", "Obama is a terrorist", "Obama's not an American citizen","Obama's brith certificate is fake" mocked Obama for having a middle name "Hussein", and to all you loosers who yelled racist chants against Obama!


In fact, America voted Obama to give you racist fuckers a middle finger!

And those who booed Obama when McCain accepted defeat? Welcome to democracy! You win some, you loose some! Deal with it maturely!

Even if Obama really was a Muslim, HARDLY ANYONE CARES!

The generation under 40 has looked up to Muslim athletes like Muhammad Ali, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Mushin Mohammed!

The generation under 40 looked up to Muslim rappers like Rakim and Q-Tip! Akon was from a Muslim family & Ice Cube was once associated with the Nation of Islam! Akon & Ice Cube have millions of fans of all races, and though their lyrics would offend many conservative Muslims, having associations with Islam didn't hurt their careers!

Salon even had an article titled "Racists for Obama", which mentioned some European-Americans might make jokes about African-Americans, but supported Obama anyways.

This is not as unusual as Salon makes it out to be! It's like those in Hawaii who refer to European-Americans as "fuckin haoles" but got a Colt Brennan jersey anyways! Or those who occassionally make fun of the way Chinese people talk, but will order take-out plate lunches from Chinese eateries!

As that article said "If you got to a white neighborhood in the suburbs and ask them, "How would you feel about a large black man kicking your door in," they would say, "That doesn't sound good to me... But if you say, "Your house is on fire, and the firefighter happens to be black," it's a different situation."

Some might proclaim dislike of Africans, Mexicans, Asians, Samoans, Micronesians, Europeans, etc, but if your house is on fire, you don't give a shit what race the firefighters are!

3) Now, this goes out to the Race Card Abusers on the Left!

These are the ones who said "calling Obama a socialist is racist", "McCain saying'that one' on Obama during the debates is racist", "Bill Clinton calling Obama's Iraq rhetoric a fairy tale is racist", "Joe the Plumber's questioning Obama is racist" or "anyone criticizing Obama is racist" -- THOSE THINGS ARE NOT RACIST!

Look, all Presidents get criticized for their policies & short-comings. That was true under the Bushes & Reagan! That was true under Clinton & Carter! It ain't gonna stop under Obama!

It's NOT racist to criticize Obama's policies!

Save the race talk on issues where it's needed!

4) All this talk about the "Bradley effect"? Irrelevant!

At least 51% of the USA voted for a African-American! At least 25% would've voted for an African-American who had different policies on taxes, foreign policy, guns, abortion, etc. So that's 76% of the USA.

The other 24% is too small to win a majority! They might still do things ranging from the annoying to the deadly! They might still make some areas too dangerous for those of the opposite color!

But the good news is they're loosing!

5) Now, the Democrats got a bigger majority in Congress!

They better not get too arrogant!

Obama campaign as a relatively moderate liberal!

Any attempts from Congress to make Obama go far to the Left will only alienate people! As conservative activist Richard Viguerie said "By running as moderates, "Democrats forfeited any claim to a liberal mandate,"

This would be especially true when it comes to gun policy, taxes and any new government programs!

6) So now what for Republicans?

Obama won Bush states like Nevada, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, New Mexico, Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina, and (some still dispute it over 2000) Florida!

Some are calling for Palin 2012!

Never say Never!

Back in 2004, some were calling for Obama 2008, but even then, I thought Obama would've need more experience. But History Happened in 2008!

Though I predict the next Republican to win the Presidency will have to have some non-European ancestry!

The USA is being more diverse, and that's not going to change!

The Republicans can't be a "party of just white people" anymore! Otherwise, they'll loose Arizona (McCain saved it this time), Texas, Georgia and even Utah!

So the future possibilities could include Bobby Jindal, the Louisiana governor whose parents were immigrants from India!

Maybe Tito The Builder (the Latino version of Joe the Plumber) who was a Colombian immigrant who started a construction company, and made on-stage appearances with Sarah Palin! Maybe he'll have to win a Senate seat first!

See his speech at

Or maybe Todd - Sarah Palin's husband - who is part-Inuit! Now, image, a 1st Native American President! Now, that would be History Part Two!

Maybe Larry Elder, the African-American radio talk show host! Or Walter Williams, a free-market economist who happens to be African-American!

Or Star Parker, a female conservative activist of African-American ancestry! Maybe she could be the First Female President! History Part Three!

Just as long as it's not Michelle Malkin, (the Filipina version of Ann Coulter), who has toxic, hateful views towards Latin American & Middle Eastern immigrants! She might be popular among some Fox News supporters, but the Republicans need to distant themselves from Malkin as far as possible!