Friday, April 11, 2008

In memory of Charlton Heston

Award winning actor, civil rights activist and former National Rifle Association president Charlton Heston recently passed away.,0,3675317.story

Heston rose to fame playing legendary characters like Moses, Michelangelo, Andrew Jackson, Ben Hur, Bufallo Bill Cody, and Gen. Charles Gordon .

In the 1950's and 1960's, he participated with the civil rights marches with Martin Luther King Jr.

But Heston was more famous for his role in the National Rifle Association (NRA) which supports citizens without a felony conviction to legally own guns!

For this, the Radical Left will never forgive him!

1) There's a strange perception among the Radical Left that supporting the civil rights movement and supporting the anti-gun control movement are mutually exclusive. NONSENSE!

At gun shows, you see people of all races checking out guns!

And if you're a non-white being threatened by Neo-Nazis, which is more likely to save you 1) saying "cant we all just get along" or 2) pointing a gun at the neo-Nazis?

2) some Hollywood liberals say they feel "uncomfortable" working with Charlton Heston.

The most idiotic example is Mark Walhberg!

Wahlberg claims to be disgusted by Heston's NRA activism.

But who was the one who committed a heinous hate crime against a Vietnamese and an African-American boy?


If Walhberg got shot by his victim's parents, he would've deserved it! Wahlberg picked on defenseless people, he uses his physical strengths to bully others, and he's the perfect why Charlton Heston is right!

Charlton Heston is a civil rights hero! Mark Wahlberg is the hate crime felon, a racist punk and a hypocrite!

3) I remember back in 2000-2001, when I was at the University of Hawaii, then-ASUH President Chris Garnier wanted to invite Charlton Heston to speak at UH.

There was a leftist uproar over it! They were angry that person who advocated self-defense against violent criminals might come to the campus! Nevermind that years later, they invited leftist violence-advocate Ward Churchill to the campus!

They claimed that the proposal to pay Heston to speak at UH was too expensive, even though Garnier mentioned that UH paid MORE to invite a left-wing Guatemalan activist Rigoberta Menchu to speak at the campus.

The whole controversy was so silly, and unfortunately, UH wasn't able to pay the fee Heston wanted, so he didn't come!

UH missed out on a great opportunity to hear from a legend!